This is a follow up meeting from a workshop attended by the CBIH walk committee.
The proposed conversion of the DEVCO rail line that runs from Sydney to downtown Louisbourg needs vocal support. This is part of the divestment plan of the defunct DEVCO facilities on Cape Breton Island and of CBRM's Active Transportation Plan to turn the old railroad through Glace Bay and Dominion into an active transportation (walking, biking, etc.) trail. This is part of the original Sydney&Louisbourg Railroad.
The officials at DEVCO and at CBRM are still considering the issue, but is fearful of moving forward without a tangible amount of support.
Presently, there is debate about whether or not motorized vehicles should be included. If you care about this issue one way or the other, please attend these meetings. If you live along the trail in Glace Bay or Dominion, this is your opportunity to have your say as to what that trail will look like and what types of uses will be included.
PUBLIC MEETINGS on the proposed DEVCO rail trail are planned for the following locations and dates:
Wednesday, October 21 at the BayPlex in Glace Bay
Thursday, October 22 at the Dominion branch of the Royal Canadian Legion.
Both meetings are scheduled for 7-9 pm and Jim Neale will be facilitating
Please add this on your "To Do List" to show your support for this initiative. It would provide a recreational trail that would bypass the notorious Trunk 4 traffic, and allow kids and adults a way to safely commute to work, meet friends, go shopping, run errands, go to events and the like.We cannot afford to let this opportunity pass us by!