Wednesday, August 05, 2009






Each convention is unique thus the planning organization will vary. The Convention Host will determine assignment of tasks. Names of Committees may vary and the assignment of tasks to a Committee is dependent on the Convention Coordinator.

It is expected that the planning committee will meet to brainstorm, plan and monitor activities up to the date of the AGM. Checklists should be developed for all aspects of convention planning with a record of who is required for the task, what materials are required and by whom, etc.

The Convention Coordinator, Facilities / CVF Liaison and other pertinent volunteers are to be on the premises during the hours that the Convention is open.

A follow-up meeting of the convention organizers should be held following the Convention to compile a report for the Coordinator of the next Convention. Copies of the report should be forwarded to the CVF office.

The host club(s) and Convention Committee decide what happens to any profits from the convention. The host club and Convention Committee are responsible for any losses.

Suggested Convention functions are:

1) Convention Coordinator / Convention Committee Chair:

-overall planning, delegation, coordination and reporting

-establishes planning organization

2) Facilities and CVF/FVC Liaison:

-develops elements of the overall AGM program.

-liaison with CVF to see that needs of both the AGM Committee and CVF are met

-co-ordinates with facilities managers and participants

3) Publicity and Communications:

-contacts local, regional and national media to publicize the event, finding ways to include information about Volkssporting

-develops a brochure / flyer for the AGM

-establishes and maintains an informative web page

-responds to mail and e-mail requests for information. (In 2001, 930 e-mails were logged for 352 registrants)

-provides French / English translations services for convention schedules and information

NOTE: Developing handout material and activating an informative website prior to the preceding year convention should eliminate many e-mail requests. In order to answer Who/What/Why/Where/When/How questions, the goals should be:

-Set up a one stop website early and communicate its existence

-Keep information short and simple

-Develop convention promotional material from the website

-Set up a plan to distribute material to other Volkssport clubs (Canada/US)

4) Fund raising / Ways and Means Committee:

-searches for and establishes acceptable sponsors and partners

-organizes money raising events eg Silent Action, raffles, after checking with provincial authorities to learn rules and guidelines of such activities

5) Walks / Trailmaster:

-develops and organizes routes and route instructions and maps

-provides French / English instructions and / or easily read maps / or guided walks

- establishes and maintains checkpoints, marking of routes

6) Registration:

-develops and distributes registration forms. Personal information, such as name, address, phone number, email address, event options taken, are required for the preparation of receipts, delegate badges, email lists, etc. Deadlines and refunds must be clearly stated

-keeps registration records and record of monies received

-acknowledges registration by e-mail (preferably) or letter if no e-mail address

-maintains registration desk during the Convention

-completes a registration form for all individuals attending

-tracks the actual receipt of registration forms for a later report. It would be reassuring to a future organizing committee, for example, to know when to expect the return of registration forms so it can set and encourage deadlines.

7) Souvenirs / Sales:

-develops unique or representative symbols to be used on certificates, patches and / or pins

-makes souvenirs available for purchase (include CVF, Regional Associations and local Clubs materials)

8) Volunteers:

-recruits volunteers for all aspects of the AGM program, including walks, silent auction, etc

-creates a plan for the effective use of volunteers (some 80-100 duty slots will need to be covered in the 3 days)

-ensures volunteers have materials required for their duties

9) Financial / Treasurer:

-develops a budget

-keeps all financial records

-opens bank account separate from host club’s

-approves all expenditures and reimburses committee chairs for approved and on- going expenditures

-assumes responsibility for cash boxes and ensures adequate floats during the AGM

-provides Revenue and Expenditure Report following AGM