Monday, March 22, 2004


The Cape Breton Island Hoppers will be sponsoring our first Bus trip as a group off the Island.

Open to all Members of the Club and the General Public, the prime purpose of the tour is to walk for Fun, Fitness and Friendship, though we encourage people to walk, anyone can join us for a leisurely weekend in this very spectacular Park, there is no obligation to participate in the walking events, though you may enjoy a swim in a salt water pool or stroll around as you would like!

Some Tour Information:

Bus Tour To Fundy National Park

Sept. 3, 4, 5 & 6 2004

All prices include: 3 nights accommodations at the Alpine Motor Inn and all taxes, bus trip and driver, Fundy National Park daily passes; daily trips to Start Points & other locations as required for meals and shopping.

The Driver will be Ed MacRae from Unique Charter Tours, this is a local company from Glace Bay.

Deposit of $70.00 for each person is required ASAP to ensure you have a room and confirmation of the bus for the group.

The Balancing Owing must be paid by 1 July 2004.

4 persons per room - $250.00 per person.

3 persons per room - $285.00 per person.

2 persons per room - $315.00 per person.

All meals and IVV fees are the responsibility of each participant.

Sign in sheets will be made available on the bus before arriving at the daily Start Points.

Please contact Elsie Buck 562-3117/Rollie Coombes 849-0747 if you are interested in going on this great adventure.

On Sunday, Sept 5: A turkey dinner will be arranged by the Dartmouth Club for your enjoyment.

Please preregister by sending a cheque for $21.00 per person, cost includes taxes and gratuities.

Send To: Lionel and Lily Conrod, 17 Benview Avenue, Dartmouth NS, B2Y 1W6
Telephone: 902-466-4421,

The first Walk Event will be held at Hillsborough, NB on Friday Sept 3rd, at 2:00pm, so we should expect a very early start beginning in Glace Bay and making our way across the Island picking up passenger as we go. A detail of the trip will be published at a later date!!

STAY TUNED FOR UPDATED INFO ON "Celtic Colours International Music Festival" and our "Celtic Colours Fall Walk Events" to be held 8 - 16 of October

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