Tuesday, February 24, 2004

Cross-country skiing, snow shoes and walking!

On Sunday the 29th of February at 1:00 pm, we will be holding our second Event for 2004.

This will be the first time that we will use the new SK+ stamp in our Distance and Event Books.

Due to changing weather conditions the SK+ has been introduced for winter/spring Events,

If we had planned a snow shoe and xc-ski event and the weather turned mild, the snow melted etc, we can now continue with the Event as walkers as long as we use the same Start Point.

In the past we would have had to cancel or postpone the event, the only thing stopping us now is extreme weather or our inability to get off the couch.

Hope to see as many of you as possible at MIRA PROVINCIAL PARK located on the Brickyard Road off HWY 22.

After the Event, Shirley and Bill Boutilier will be hosting a Pot Luck at their home.

Follow Trout Brook Road to BenGeorge Road then onto Sherwood Drive.

Note: There were 10 members of the CBIH plus 57 members of the XC club at Ski Ben Eoin on the 15 Feb.
It was cold but fun and many thanks to Micheline, Jacques and Sinclair for organizing this event.
Thank You Martine for keeping the ten of us on the right track up the hill, down and up the hill.
The goal for the day was 1000kms, we finished at 837kms, a bit short but it was fun and we introduced our club to
potential new members when the snow has melted.

An observation or statement (the theory of walking with a group):

#1. I went out walking with you guys once and I thought you were walking too fast, I couldn't keep up, I felt embarassed and didn't go back again!

#2. I went out walking with your club, you walk too slow for me, I was walking on the heels of the guy in front, that's why I never went back!

Answer/my opinion:

The simplest answer I can give (but not a simple solution) or statement that can be made about this situation is that Volkssporting is a non-competitive sport, and maybe we should not use the word sport and emphaze the NON in "non-competitive".

We have adopted the IVV motto, "Walking for Fun, Fitness and Friendship", everyone who participates in our Events should and will be made welcomed no matter what your degree of fitness.

The Annual Schedule of Events details the Ratings for each Walk and I encourage everyone to make themselves aware of our rating system, which should help in determining if an event is suitable for you.

The schedule also takes us to different and wonderful parts of our Island, this is the "Fun" in the motto, exploring the trails and the scenery; the walking at any speed and the distance gives you the exercise or "Fitness" and while doing these two things you are conversing with a fellow walker who is enjoying the outdoors with you, therefore you are making a new "Friend".

Those of us who want to be power walkers, fast walkers can do so seven days a week, the CBIH schedule allows for only two or three Guided Events each month, surely we can slow down a bit once or twice a month and enjoy this beautiful Island with some very friendly people.

If this is not satisfying to the faster walker then consider selecting our higher rated events of 3 or more, remembering our events are 10kms or more or another suggestion is to prewalk the Event with the Walk Leader or become a Walk Leader, selecting trails for us, assisting the Trails Coordinator; other things you could do, try out our 5 Year Round Events (YRE's) on your own or with a friend.

To those of us who are slower but steady paced walkers, those who want to rest along the trail, DO NOT try to keep up with the person ahead of you, enjoy the walk, you are not competing with anyone, there is no blue ribbon at the end of the trail, you will have the satisfaction of knowing you completed the event and enjoyed the scenery around you and the friends along the trail.

The Trails Coordinator or a designated member is always at the rear as the 'sweep' to assist you if help is needed; these are called Guided Walks for that purpose and if a trail is fairly complicated it is usually marked with our signs or trail tape. A quote from Bill, "remember if you come to a fork in the road, Take It "!

Some of the other CVF and Atlantic Clubs have tried different approaches to this problem, (a) a fast group, (b) a slower group, (c) starting at different times for each group; none of these are real solutions nor is there a firm way to resolve this, other then to make all of our Walk Events, Volksmarches/Map Walks.

We would set up a Start Point, you would sign in, get a map of the walk and proceed on your own and ensure you get a stamp at a designated check point before receiving your Events and Distance Stamps.

Many of our U.S.A. and Euro. friends use this method for many of their Walk Events, the draw back is that you don't get to meet people, you are concerned about reading a map; a good point is you can run into a pub whenever you want to, if there's a pub available!

Folks! Lets get out and walk and have fun, enjoy the day,observe a waterfall in the forest, smell the roses along the way or the manure on the Trans Canada Trail.

If we have lost new or potentially new walkers due to the statements of #1 and #2 above, then it is up to you the members to help bring them back or introduce newer walkers to our foal.

It is ashame that we have lost people to our style of walking, we all have our own philosphy on how to approach this situation and I invite you to express your opinion in this forum, unedited except for offensive language.

Walking For Fun, Fitness and Friendship!

Volksmarchers Walk for the Health of IT!

Monday, February 23, 2004

Message From our Atlantic Director


Sorry I missed you all on the 17th of January. However, we cannot predict the weather this time of year. In May of this year I accepted the position of Atlantic Region Director. To date it has been interesting, just a little bit of work but fun and I am sure it will be worthwhile.

In June the Vice President of CVF attended the AVA Biennial convention in Colorado Springs. With the help of clubs in the Atlantic Region I gathered varies pieces of information together and forwarded them to the convention site for him to have on hand to pass out to those interested in Volksmarches in Canada.. Our Blue Books, in particular went over well. I have had various requests about walking events in the Maritimes as well as notification that there are Volkssporting bus tours from the United States planning on visiting Atlantic Canada this year.

We have nine active clubs to date in Atlantic Canada:
÷ The newest of these clubs is the Fundy Volkssport Club in Saint John NB. They have taken over the year round and seasonal walk in Saint John from the Oromocto Club.
÷ The Oromocto Club has changed its name to the River Valley Trail Blazers.
÷ The Sou’wester Volkssport Club in Cornerbrook NF changed its name to Humber Valley Volkssport Club
÷ Unfortunately, the Moncton Club has stood down until such time as there is an interest in starting the club up again. The Moncton Year Round will still be there as a Director’s walk

Convention 2004 will be held in Vancouver, May 21,22 & 23. If anyone is interested in attending please get your registrations in. They have also planned post convention tours for those interest in seeing the area while it BC. There is a cruise to Alaska planned, a one day bus trip to Whistler and 5-day bus trip to Vancouver Island. If you require further information I’m sure your club president can help you.

Convention 2005 will be held in Quebec City, May 27,28 & 29. Anyone who attended the convention in Quebec in 1998 can agree that it was a great time and excellent convention. Mark your calendars and plan to attend.

By now your club has received copies of the Atlantic Region’s Guide to Year Rounds/ Seasonal Events and Guided Walks (Blue Book). The Atlantic Region has a wide variety of walks and events through out this year. There is a total of 163 scheduled walks, 42 year rounds/seasonal walks and one bike seasonal. Be sure to get a copy. Elizabeth Nifort, a Dartmouth Club member, goes to a lot of work each year to have this book made ready for print. Elizabeth does a great job on the book and we should all take the time to thank her for her work.

This year will be a busy year for the Acadian Festival and special events are being put on by various clubs in the Atlantic Region. Elinor Mahar has put a lot of work into the special walk schedule so let’s all make sure we get a copy of it and get out their and learn more about the Acadian Heritage, enjoy the walking and have fun.

The Fundy Volkssport Club also has a walk on the 19th of June. Champlain landed in Saint John on June 19, 1604. The club is planning a walk to coincide with the reenactment and parade put on by the city of Saint John. A separate brochure will be coming out on this.

Keep in mind for your 2005 calendar of events – the River Valley Trail Blazers (formerly the Oromocto Volkssport Club) will be celebrating their 20th Anniversary. They are making plans now for the weekend of July 1st – 4th to hold various walks around and through covered bridges in the Sussex area of New Brunswick complete with a dinner in a covered bridge.

The Valley Trekkers will be taking part in the Port Royal 400th Anniversay year in 2005. They are planning on doing 400 kms of walking in the Annapolis Valley over the year. Special awards will be made available to Volkssporters as they complete the various walks in the Annapolis Valley. A weekend of events will be held in Annapolis Royal and surrounding area the first weekend in August. 2005.
I am planning on joining you for your walks in Cheticamp in June and Louisbourg in August, and who knows I might get down to Cape Breton for other events.

If I can be of any assistance at all to anyone of you please do not hesitate to contact me. If you have questions and I’m not sure of the answer I will definitely find out for you. I look forward to being the Atlantic Region Director for the next couple of years.

See you on the trails,

Lynda Kanne
Atlantic Region Director
Canadian Volkssport Federation

Sunday, February 08, 2004

Highlights of Our Annual Club Meeting:

There were no changes to the Executive, Rollie Coombes remains as President, Shirley Boutilier remains as Vice President.

Barbara MacDonald continues in her second year as Secretary and Elsie Buck continues as Treasurer.

Bill Boutilier continues doing a great job as our Trails Coordinator and has taken on the added responsibility of being our Club Historian. If you have pictures, newspaper clippings, pins or other items that you would like to donate, please contact Bill.

Carol Butts and Jean MacPherson will carryon with the Ways and Means Committee.

Phil Irons is Past President and will continue looking after our website.

Wayne Howie who has been a Past President will look after publicity, Our Vice President will assist him as required.

Cal Thistle has taken on a new post as telephone coordinator; he and a number of volunteers will begin calling members to inform them of weekly and monthly acivities within the club. ie: the next walk event.

The Trails Coordinator will work with a new Walk Committe to include Joe MacKinnon and Elsie Buck.

We agreed to setup an Annual Falls Colour Walk Event during the Celtic Colours which will be held 8-16 of October 2004. Our walk events will be held on the Thanksgiving long weekend on 9-10-11 October 2004.
More details of this event will be published at a later date.

Rollie is looking into the possibility of a bus tour to Fundy National Park on the Labour day weekend with the Dartmouth Volksmarch Club. Details to follow.

Lynda Kanne our Atlantic Area Director has sent her greetings and an e-mail of activities was read to the meeting.

Come Put Your Heel and Toe On Our Island

Did you Know "That Volksmarchers Walk For The Health Of It!"