Friday, December 14, 2007
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
President: Joe MacKinnon
Vice President: Elsie Buck
Treasurer: Lucy Nardini
Secretary: Judy Lorway
Ways & Means: Barb Thistle, Cal Thistle
Membership: Carmel Coffin
Public Relations: Doug Grant
Trails Committee Coordinators: Joe MacKinnon, Elsie Buck
Trails Committee Members: Shirley Pettigrew, Carol Hiscock, Doug Grant, Cathy Grant, Rollie Coombes, Ann Coombes
Past President: Rollie Coombes
Joe MacKinnon has been elected to the Board of Directors of "PATHWAYS CAPE BRETON".
Rollie Coombes is the Canadian Volkssport Federation's Atlantic Region Director elect.
Please note that I will continue to look after the website and I am looking for new photos and stories about walking in Cape Breton with the Island Hoppers. Rollie
Presents a guided walk on Saturday 8 Nov @ 10:00am
St Ann's Gaelic College
Walk Leader, Bethsheila Kent of Pathways Cape Breton
This is not an IVV sanctioned walk, however a fun thing to do and a good opportunity to check out the trails at St Anns.
Also there is a flea market, baked goods, The college gift shop has an end of the season sale!!
"Last Party For the season with your walking friends"!
Ann and Rollie Coombes will host the "end of the year Pot-luck".
Come out for the FUN of it!
WHERE: 364 York Street, Glace Bay
DATE: Saturday, 8 December, 7:00pmmore info required:
Monday, November 12, 2007
The Island Hoppers will be in Sydney on Sunday 18 Nov.
This is a Guided Walk using our Year Round Walk Event.
Meet at the Parking Lot Cambridge Suites @ 1:30 for registration.
We will Start Walking at 2:00pm sharp!
This is a 10k walk event with an optional 5k for those who prefer a shorter route.
The clubs annual general meeting (AGM) will take place at the Atlantic SuperValue Store in Sydney River.
SATURDAY, NOV. 24th @ 2:00pm, please register by 1:45pm
This is a very important meeting and the only meeting that we have throughout the year.
Approval for a new club executive, annual club membership fees, annual fees to CVF.
Walk committees and scheduling for future walk events.
We are in need of a publicity coordinator/public relations.
Lets keep this club going, help keep our walking program active!
A more specific agenda to be published soon.
"For the season with your walking friends"!Ann and Rollie Coombes will host this years "end of the year party/pot-luck".
Come out for the FUN of it!
WHERE: 364 York Street, Glace Bay
DATE: Saturday, 8 December, 7:00pm
2008 Walk Schedule
A copy of our schedule for 2008 is now available, ask for a copy at the next walk or contact the CBIH executive for information.
The schedule is also available online at:
and is found in the link "Events". (maybe under construction and may not be completed at this time)
Monday, November 05, 2007

Lest We Forget!
Thursday, November 01, 2007

The clubs AGM for this year will be held on Saturday, November 24th @ 2pm.
The Community Room, SuperValue, Sydney River.
An agenda for this years meeting will be published shortly.
Members are asked to email or call in and make suggestions for discussion at this meeting.
Candidates for club positions are also required.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Margaree Valley
The weather cooperated for this very lovely walk along the Marsh Brook Trail/Road in East Margaree.
Fantastic fall colours greeted the 24 walkers who ventured out from different parts of the island on a cloudy and what look to be a rainy day. We were not disappointed the valley proved to be a wonderful place to walk, the trail is very compact and even with all the rain the previous night there were few puddles along the route. The walk leader Phil Rice showed the group a small waterfall and rapids and an unofficial picnic area hidden off the trail. This was a delightful area to take another break and enjoy the beauty of the Margaree Valley
Kathi Rice headed back home early to warm up the soups and hot meal that she prepared for the club members after this great walk into the heart of the Margaree Valley. Kathi out did herself on this occassion providing a great lunch and wonderful hospitality. This writer especially enjoyed the Chili, the soup, the pasta and the neighbours biscuits and a good hot cup of tea.
Thanks you Kathi and Phil we enjoyed the day and evening.
A special place along the River to sit and enjoy the natural beauty of the Margaree Valley. see more pictures in Photo Gallery!
Sunday, September 02, 2007
Letter from Graham Fawcett
Hello all,
Blessed by incredible weather, good spirits, excellent walks and a lot of friendship, the combined group of walkers from the Club Volkssport-Nord Sud and the Dartmouth Volkssport Club have returned to the mainland from a week of walking on the Magdalen Islands in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
Congratulations to Lionel and Lisette, plus all the others who pitched in to help make this a most memorable Volkssport event.
Imagine more than 150Volkssporters on five tiny islands - that's visibility!
I have begun to receive some pictures taken last week and will put up the best that I receive, if people want to send them to me by email attachment at
The web site address to see the pictures already posted is:
Bookmark it for future reference and visit often to see the most recent additions.
Again, congratulations to all involved. Your hard work over the past year to make this possible had paid off.
I know the participants will be talking about this past week for years to come.
On Sunday Sept 9th the CBIH will hold its first annual memorial walk in honour of Shirley Boutillier.
The Walk Event Start Point is the junction of Trout Brook Rd and Ben-George Road Marion Bridge off Hwy 327.
Registration begins at 1:30pm. Walk Time 2:00pm
In accordance with the wishes of Shirley's family there will only be a very short dedication and we will step off as per the posted time, this was one of Shirley's reminders to the walk leaders--- "its 2 o'clock time to get walking".
Bill and Family have invited the group to their home at 35 Sherwood Dr Marion Bridge, this is a very short distance from the Walk Start Point located off the Ben-George Road.
There will be a pot luck dinner immediately after the walk event, please bring any type of food item that you may specialize in.
The Ways and Means committee (Barb & Cal) will also supply a bbq of hamburgers/hotdogs & soft drinks.
Sunday, August 12, 2007
After ten years of walking with you as a member of the club, the original trails coordinator and being a founding member of The CBIH and the president of the club for approx. 5- 6 years it is now time to take a leave from club duties.
Today (Sunday 05 August 20007) was my last official day as the club president. Joe MacKinnon and Elsie Buck will look after the duties of the club president or as care takers until 24 November 2007.
Nominations for a new club president, vice president, treasurer, membership will have to be filled in the upcoming club annual general meeting. Elections for these posts must be completed on Saturdy 24 November.
I will be working with Elsie and Joe to help maintain a smooth transition of a new executive for the upcoming year and in fact we have just completed a new 2008 schedule, the new schedule will be available for distribution in late October.
The President of The Canadian Volkssport Federation (CVF) Graham Foster and the CVF Board of Directors have invited or elected me to be the Director of Atlantic Region to replace Lynda Kanne who has held that position for the past four years.
The CVF constitution does not allow for a third consecutive 2 year term for this position. I have accepted the Boards decision and will become the Director Atlantic Region effective 06 August 2007 and will complete this term during the Annual General Convention to be held in Wolfville NS during the weekend 23-25 May 2008 with a possible extension until 2009.
I do not want to hold the position of CBIH President and Director Atlantic Region at the same time due to a possible conflict of interest and the work load that will be thrust upon me as a new director within the CVF.
However I can and will remain as an ordinary member and Past President of CBIH.
The Island Hoppers will and must continue as Cape Bretons only island wide club I ask all of you to please help Joe and Elsie to continue this club.
A club president is not the club; the club is its members and more importantly it is the active membership that will continue to walk for fun, fitness and friendship that make up this wonderful organization.
With deep affection for all of you,
Rollie Coombes
Director Atlantic Region & Past President CBIH
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Aug 13, 2007 Time:1:15pm
Rollie Coombes
902-849-0747 or cell: 565-6256
All participants are requested to meet at the Telegraph House, 479 Chebucto Street, Village of Baddeck before 1:15pm (13:15hrs). If all goes well we should be walking on or about 1:30pm.
We will convoy or motorcade to the Start Point with the tour bus "Walking Adventures International" and their tour guide Debbie Zimel.
We will leave our cars along the gravel road 3k from the provincial park.near the small, recently reconstructed, wooden bridge.
After the walk we will hitch a ride back to our cars with the tour group.
Please note "for those walkers who want to do 5k only", they may continue to drive to the provincial park and wait for the 10k main group to arrive who will be walking to the Provincial Park. from the bridge area.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
The 8th of July 2007 was the cut off date for registration to the dinner at Fortress Louisbourg.
The dinner coordinator required time, numbers of diners and the monies to submit to the restaurant and Parks Canada.
We cannot extend this cut off date for registration, please note we (I) have been advertising this dinner since Sept 2006 at almost every walk and by e-mail and brochures etc.
Anyone who contacted Phil on or before 08 July and indicated their cheques was in the mail, will be assured a place or seat at the dinner.
Please confirm with Phil if you are unsure if you have sent in your registration.
Friday, June 29, 2007
New club members, visitors and anyone wanting a map of Cape Breton/Nova Scotia can do so by ordering online at , these are free!
When you get on this site follow the links for maps or travel guides and fill out the required information.
You can request the Doers and Dreamers Guide as well, this is a great reference book for summer activities, hotels, B&Bs, museums and overall general information about NS & CB.
You may also send them to friends and relatives who are considering visiting the area.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
The potluck on 1 July will be held at Lucy Nardini's home, 106 Carmichael Drive, Sydney River.
This is a change from our 2007 Schedule of Events.
Please pass this information onto all club members.
July 1st Walk begins at St. Josephs RC Church parking lot.
40 Cabot Street, Sydney B1P 4C8
This is a 10k walk only rated 2A
Walk Start Time: 2pm and registration begins at 1:30pm.
Our walk event on Canada Day will follow most of the route that Ann Irons used to do before our club was formed. That particuliar walk was a non-sanctioned event to introduce to the general public what a 10k route would be like and it would ensure what we were getting ourselves into. The success of this walk event lead to the formation of the Cape breton Island Hoppers Volkssport Club.
July 1st is also the last event for those who have been able to accumulate the required stamps (4 out of 6 walk events) for the certificate and pins that celebrate the 20th Anniversary of The Canadian Volkssport Federation (CVF) entry into the International Volkssport Federation or IVV.
The trail at Mabou starting near the "Pioneer Shrine" is a very unique walking trails that wanders along the Mull River and was once part of the railroad that stretched from Inverness to Port Hawkesbury.
A flat dry trail with several bridges crossing over the Mull River. The trail is well maintained by the local Mabou Trails Society. Along the trail is a marsh with plenty of birds and other wild life. In 2006 our group walked in a southerly direction and found the trail to be soft and boggy in places however this year going in the opposite direction (N) we were pleasently surprised to find the trail to be well compacted even after a rain the night before.
This is an excellent route to keep in mind for a future outing to Mabou.
On this walk there were 28 participants, Carol Obianwu from Texas joined us for the second time this year and hopes to join us again before leaving the island.
Phylis Wilton completed her first five free events and is now the proud owner of a Distance and Event Books and has become a full fledged member of the CBIH. WELCOME!
We would also like to welcome another new walker with us and we hope to see more of her is Julie Dzaich from Sydney. Great to see new faces along the trail.
After 1 July we get into our 10th Anniversary Walk Events. There's still time to register for the dinner at Fortress Louisbourg. Come out and have Fun, Food and Friendship with the Island Hoppers.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
Mabou Rail Trail Event
Here is a google map of the Start Point:,-61.397299&spn=0.004995,0.008669&t=h&z=17&om=1&msa=0&msid=105129794935099277215.00000113184a637842081
After the walk event we are suggesting the Mull Restaurant for dinner before you head home.
Go to the Mull restaurant web site for a look at the menu plus information if you want to reserve a table!
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Cape Breton Highlands National Park of Canada
Annual Park Entry Passes
(Family, Adult, Senior, Youth)
50% off until June 30th, 2007
Telephone orders accepted: 224-2306 or 285-2691
Elaine Wallace Manager, Heritage Presentation & Visitor Services
Cape Breton Highlands National Parke
(902) 285-2270 or 285-3006FAX: (902) 285-2866
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Two New Walks Added To The Schedule
This year the Island Hoppers will participate in the Johnny Miles Festival, Sydney Mines. Sunday, 05 August. More details to follow in our Events Schedule at
(article in Cape Breton Post, 05 June 07, pg A10, "Festival partners with walking club to promote active lifestyle.")
The Johnny Miles Festival has been developing this road race and other healthy activities for the past five years and they hope to include our volksmarch event on an annual basis.
If you want to know more about the Boston Marathon and the story of the Sydney Mines marathon runner Johnny Miles go to:
A quote from the author David Blaikie:
'Our feet may leave home but not our hearts'
Back to the waterfalls:
Another new walk ( a new IVV stamp will be issued) to our schedule for 2007 but one of our most favourite trails will be at Uisge Ban Falls on Monday, 13 August. We will host one of our favourite travelling walking groups, WAI - Walking Adventures International-Anyone wanting to join me for this adventure should be prepared for an early morning start. We will meet the bus at The Telegraph House on Chebucto Street in Baddeck and then motorcade to the Start Point along the dirt road leading to the Provincial Park. In fact we will start 3kms from the park in order to get our full 10ks, After the walk when we arrive at the picnic area club members will hitch a ride back to our cars with the tour group. more details to follow.
St Peters Rail Trail
The Walk on Sunday June 2nd, International Trails Day, in St. Peters and the St. Peters Rail Trail had 18 members participating in this event.
The weather was great, sunny with a mild breeze but very suitable for a walk along the coastline of St Peters. Besides our new members we were joined by Rilla And Jim McLean, Port Hawkesbury and joining us for the first time this year were Phil and Kathi Rice who are summer/fall residents in Margaree. Welcome back folks we look forward to many more walk events with all of you.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
International Trails Day walk event will begin at Battery Point in St Peters.
REGISTRATION begins at 1:30pm
Walk Start Time: 2:00pm.
This event is rated 1B & 2B
Distances: 5 & 10k
Bring your lunch and have a small picnic at the park before the walk begins.
After the event we suggest "Inn On The Lake" for dinner.
Located near the St. Peters Canal bridge.
The third walk event for 2007 had 32 walkers in attendance and with 4 new participants should deem this a very successful walk event.
fourteen members attended dinner at the Miners Village restaurant and the hotmeal and drinks were very much appreciated after the high winds we experienced along the shoreline of South Street Beach.
A photo of the group is available in the photo gallery of our new website format.
On Sunday May 20th we provided 2 walk events.
The morning walk started at the tourist info centre on Chebucto St. in the Village of Baddeck with 17 participants, 3 new participants showed up for this Year Round Event.
Lynda & Rick Kanne from the Valley Trekkers Volkssport Club and their Friend Allyson Hayman from the Truro Club (Central Nova) arrived for a day of walking on Cape Breton Island.
These great friends and enthusiastic walkers showed up again for our afternoon walk to Uisge Ban Falls, where once again we signed in 17 walkers for the National Walking Weekend Events.
New particpants with the club included Dianne Clarke, Phyllis Wilton, Marie , Donald & Maureen MacKenzie.
A drizzle! of rain made the trail a little slippery in places and with one of the bridges out we had to change plans as to how the walk was to proceed.
The falls and the North Baddeck River were a spectaculiar site at this time of the year . This was a worthwhile hike to the falls that will not soon be forgotten.
Check out the photo gallery in our new website format.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
Go to for further information on how to order.
Our club newsletter Heel n Toe is free and is published as we have information to pass on, usually bi-annually.
The Island Hoppers next event is in Baddeck on Sunday May 20th, 2007
The first walk begins at 10:00am at the Tourist Info Centre on Chebucto St.
The second walk of the day begins at 2:00pm at Uisge Ban Falls Provincial Park.
Check calendar of events on the website:
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Saturday, April 07, 2007
Four ships will be in Louisbourg harbour July 20-21 and nine ships will be in Sydney harbour July 22-23.
This will be an added enhancement to our walk program. What a fantastic opportunity to watch these great sailing ships as we proceed along the shoreline at Little Lorraine on Saturday morning or you can glimpse these great ships while on our sunset walk to the fortress.
The "early bird walkers" can catch the ships at Louisbourg (20 July) Friday AM and then head to Catalone in the afternoon for our walk along the "Devils Hill Trail".
From the information I have at the present time (Cape Breton Post, Saturday, April 7, 20007) the ships will be in Sydney harbour on Sunday and Monday so anyone wanting to visit the ships or just get the chance to see them under full sail will be able to enjoy our weekend of walking and have plenty of time to see these magnificient sailing ships as well.
Your support is needed to make this a successful weekend for our/your
club. The Island Hoppers executive are working hard to make this an
unforgettable birthday celebration, please help by registering early for our dinner and walk at Fortress Louisbourg.We must have confirmation of number of persons attending as quickly as possible. The official cutoff date is 8 July 2007 however a decision to cancel may have to be made sooner. If we do not have a sufficient number of walkers and diners we may have to forfeit the restaurants to a larger function.
The $40 cost includes the IVV fee for the "Louisbourg Then Walk", National Historic Site Fees, the Dinner all Taxes and Tips in addition we will be holding 3 walks on National Historic properties and a complimentary (free) picnic/luncheon this same weekend.
An online registration form is available on our website on LINKS >CBIH to the right of this page:
A brochure and registration is also available at any of our walk events.
Mira Provincial Park, Brickyard Road off Rte 22 (Louisbourg Hwy)
Sunday, 22 April, 1:30pm is Registration, Start Time 2:00pm
This is a very easy 5/10k event; enjoy the walk through the park
before the sunbathers and tourist show up; the walk is rated at
In the near future I will take all of the present sites and combine them under one umbrella known as Cape Breton Island Hoppers.
Monday, March 12, 2007

Due to scheduling we (CBIH) have not been able to participate in the Feb. and April Events. My apologies for this inconvenience.
All dates were set by the CVF and in order to get the special certificates we
had to abide by the rules. All clubs had to walk their original
event on 01 July of this year. My apologies to Ways And Means Committee, Barb
& Cal Thistle who have organized our July 1st walks over the past few years.
Hopefully Barb and Cal will once again lead our Canada Day Walk in 2008.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
Achievement Awards & Old Photos

Hold On! I thought I had given up on this type of walking adevnture when I retired from the infantry. So, here I am again, the only things missing is a rifle and a 60lb rucksack and a Sgt pushing me on! However my walking partner, Nip Hillier who is holding the camera seems to have filled the role of a bootcamp Sergeant, spurring us on to the mighty North River Falls......

My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing.
-Edward P. Weston
I am looking for more pictures and small antedotes to help celebrate
our 10th anniversary celebrations.
Send me a photo with a caption or a story about your exploits with the
club on a group guided or pre-walk.
Of all excercises walking is the best.-Thomas Jefferson
- Invest in your own health by adopting a safe, inexpensive, low-impact exercise regime
Friday, January 05, 2007
I will get the slugs setup as soon as I am able to travel once again.
We have been forced to make some changes to our Year Round Events in order to continue with these Self-Guided Walk Events.
Low turn out and financial considerations had to be taken into account, a second review will be made during the 2007 season and a final decision will be made to cancel at least one YRE before the start of 2008!
The following statement will be placed in all five (5) log books (sign in books) at each location before the end of January.
The Walk Events in Glace Bay, Louisbourg and Baddeck have had some changes for the 2007 season.
These walk events have been discontinued as Year Round Events for 2007, they have been changed to Mid-Seasonal Event status as per the Rules And Regulations as outlined by The Canadian Volkssport Federation (CVF) and by approval of the CBIH club executive who recognized that these events needed to be changed due to the low turn out of walkers each year. The overhead cost have become another concern for the club, we will review this decision at the end of 2007.
“A Mid-Seasonal Event [up to 6 months less a day]”
These self-guided walk event will continue from 5 May 2007 to 28 Oct 2007.
All members of the IVV and CBIH who participate in the awards program may continue to stamp their Event Books twice in the same calendar year.
(a.) Only one stamp maybe placed in your Event Books from 05 May to 30 June (2007+).
(b.) A second stamp with the “+” sign removed maybe placed in your Event Book from 1 July to 28 Oct (2007).
(c.) Distance Books maybe stamped as many times as you desire to walk these Events
Louisbourg and Baddeck will remain on the “National Lighthouse Award Program” and those persons who are participating in this “special event” can still have their Lighthouse Event Books stamped as per the programs rules.
Sydney & North Sydney:
The Year Round Events in Sydney and North Sydney will continue as YRE’s with the CVF rules applied for the “+” sign.
(a.) Only one stamp maybe placed in your Event Books, from 1 January to 30 June (2007 +).
(b.) A second stamp with the “+” sign removed maybe placed in your Event Book from 1 July to 31 Dec 2007.
(c.) Distance Books maybe stamped as many times as you desire to walk these Events.
The rules pertaining to distances on the Year Round, Seasonal & Mid-Seasonal Events have recently been changed. We are now authorized to offer shorter 5-9k walk events including the 10k or more distances that we currently offer on our routes. Therefore in the next few months the walk committee will prepare 5k routes for all of our Events.