Hold On! I thought I had given up on this type of walking adevnture when I retired from the infantry. So, here I am again, the only things missing is a rifle and a 60lb rucksack and a Sgt pushing me on! However my walking partner, Nip Hillier who is holding the camera seems to have filled the role of a bootcamp Sergeant, spurring us on to the mighty North River Falls......

The above picture is that of Nip Hillier crossing over one of the four rope and ladder bridges that we encountered on our very first pre-walk to the North River Falls Sept 29th 1998.
Due to the many crossings of the river at that time we decided that this was more of a hiking adventure then a volkswalk and we delayed a group walk to the North River Falls for another three or more years. In the ensuing years the area was closed to hikers and campers due to an extreme fire index and for two years access was delayed as the new bridges (replacing the rope bridges) were washed away during the spring breakup.
The clubs first trip to the North River Falls was led by Bill Boutilier using an alternate route along the Oregeon Trail. A cross country walk that was not soon forgotten as we encountered some very steep climbing down into the gorge at the base of the falls.
My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing.
-Edward P. Weston
The club eventually made it to the falls along the river trail once a new route was opened up along one side of the river (the east side) by NS Natural Resources Dept. and The St Ann's Bay Trail Association.
I am looking for more pictures and small antedotes to help celebrate
our 10th anniversary celebrations.
Send me a photo with a caption or a story about your exploits with the
club on a group guided or pre-walk.
Of all excercises walking is the best.-Thomas Jefferson
In the Fall & Winter issues of VOLKSSPORT CANADA I came across the following information:
Event Achievement Awards:
10 Events Edward (Ed) Hopkins Port Morien
75 Events William (Bill) Hopkins Sydney River
100 Events William (Bill) Hopkins
100 Events Shirley Pettigrew from Mira Bay
250 Events Carmel Coffin Sydney
400 Events Barbara Thistle Sydney
400 Events Cal Thistle
Distance Achievement Awards:
1000 km Shirley Pettigrew Mira Bay
1000 km William (Bill) Hopkins Sydney River
1500 km Ann Coombes Glace Bay
1500 km Judith Lorway Sydney
1500 km Lucy Nardini Sydney
3000 km Carmel Coffin Sydney
3000 km Roland Coombes Glace Bay
4000 km Isabel Grant North Sydney
4000 km Robin Grant
4500 km Cal Thistle
Congratulations to all!
A reason to Volkssport! 1 of 14.
- Invest in your own health by adopting a safe, inexpensive, low-impact exercise regime