The weather cooperated for this very lovely walk along the Marsh Brook Trail/Road in East Margaree.
Fantastic fall colours greeted the 24 walkers who ventured out from different parts of the island on a cloudy and what look to be a rainy day. We were not disappointed the valley proved to be a wonderful place to walk, the trail is very compact and even with all the rain the previous night there were few puddles along the route. The walk leader Phil Rice showed the group a small waterfall and rapids and an unofficial picnic area hidden off the trail. This was a delightful area to take another break and enjoy the beauty of the Margaree Valley
Kathi Rice headed back home early to warm up the soups and hot meal that she prepared for the club members after this great walk into the heart of the Margaree Valley. Kathi out did herself on this occassion providing a great lunch and wonderful hospitality. This writer especially enjoyed the Chili, the soup, the pasta and the neighbours biscuits and a good hot cup of tea.
Thanks you Kathi and Phil we enjoyed the day and evening.
A special place along the River to sit and enjoy the natural beauty of the Margaree Valley. see more pictures in Photo Gallery!