Sunday 16 September, 2012
Above:Elsie Buck President of CBIH and Sue Banks CVF Atlantic Director cut the 15th Anniversary cake at Ferrymen's Community Hall in Grand Narrows
Above: CBIH members Pam MacGillivray, Dianna MacDonald, President Elsie Buck and Joe MacHoll advising Elsie on how to divide up the cake!
Sunday morning did not look very promising as to be a day of walking in the sunshine on Cape Breton Island. many of us driving from Sydney and Glace Bay drove through heavy torrential rain before reaching Iona and the Highland Village Museum.
Iona was cloudy and misty on arrival but by the time the morning walk began there were clear skies and the Bra d' or Lakes had an almost smooth glass finish except for the wake made by the 2 sailing ships that could be seen in the distance from the top of the hill in the Highland Village area. A picture perfect morning walk that had taken us from the museum and then across the Grand Narrows Bridge. During the walk event we were able to watch the boats enter the draw bridge and continue their journey beyond the shores of Cape Breton. A very unique part of the morning walk was the stroll through the pathways at the Highland Village Museum and the great views from atop the hill overlooking Grand Narrows and the Bra d' or Lakes.
Overall a great walk event lead by our club president Elsie Buck and many thanks to the staff and management of the Highland Village Museum in Iona, the heart of Cape Breton Island.
Many of our members had brought a picnic lunch with them and enjoyed the picnic area at Grand Narrows but a cool breeze off the lakes soon had us enjoying the hospitality of the Grand Narrows Ferrymen's Hall Association.
The afternoon stroll literally started in the hall and we were once again off on a 5 and 10 walk event along the shores of the Bra d' or Lakes heading for Derby Point Beach. A fairly easy walk with a few hills that gave us another perspective of the lakes and views of the Iona Highland Village and the church high on the hill. The beach at Derby Point was the highlight of the event and some of the members waded into the waters to cool off their feet.
Upon returning to Grand Narrows a BBQ event was catered by the Grand Narrows Development Association where members enjoyed Beef and Veggie burgers with an excellent salad and cold drinks, anniversary cake and optional ice cream topping! "Personally I did not lose weight after 20 km of walking, I wonder why?"
Our visitors from Germany and mainland Nova Scotia seemed to be very pleased with the days walk events and the beauty of this part of Cape Breton, hopefully we have sent them home with fond memories of our island and wish them a safe trip home and ask "will ye no come back again to our fair isle" at the end of the continent!
More pictures of our day can be seen on our photo section.