On Friday night at 6pm 12 volkssporters led by Robin Grant did the 10k walk around North Sydney, starting and ending at the Clansman Motel. There was a light cool breeze but most importantly no rain. A nice stroll around the community with the Newfoundland ferries in the harbour.
After the walk 8 members of the group stopped in at the Clansman Restaurant for supper and though we had not made reservations the staff were very accomodating setting up a table for our little band of walkers. Good Food! Pleasant dinning partners from the Valley, what more can I say!

Above is the group from Saturday morning 22 April who started out at the Cambridge Suites. What's a walk in downtown Sydney without stopping at the "BIG FIDDLE" for a photo opportunity, Terry Crawley stepped out of the crowd to take one of these photos using Lionel Conrods camera. Phil Irons has taken some pictures as well and we hope to publish them very soon.
After the picture we continued along the boardwalk and met some of the folks celebrating "EARTH DAY" and we then continued in to the partially finished Wentworth Park (its starting to look good and when completed will be a show piece for Sydney and CBRM). After the heavy rains I expected the Baille Ard Trail to be somewhat impassable but due to the volunteer workers for The Baille Ard Association, who happen to be working that day, the paths and bridges were in excellent shape, this is another hidden jewel within the so called "industrial cape breton area."
Dinner at the Cambridge Suites was attended by members of CBIH, The Valley Trekkers (Annapolis Valley area), Dartmouth Club, The Chebucto Club (Hlfx), Central Nova (Truro), River Valley Trailblazers (Fredricton & Oromocto NB), Hub City (Moncton NB)in all there was a total of 36 diners including Darrell Taylor from Pathways Cape Breton who gave us a very informative briefing about the functions of Pathways and what the future holds for trails and transportation on the island.
Those who attended the buffet dinner were very impressed by the the calibre of the food and how it was presented, the staff at the Cambridge were very pleasant and helpful, our visitors seemed to enjoy themselves and the accompaning music in the back ground gave us a great atmosphere to enjoy the company of other walkers.
Barb & Cal Thisle of our Ways and Means Committee were responsible for the planning and implementing of the evening activities, Thank you both for all your hard work and now I have a new exercise regime that Barb introduced to us a walk around the block. Everyone whom I have spoken with also enjoyed Cal's Canadian photos! Thank you Cal!
"If I can be a little male chauvinist it was nice to see our lady walkers dressed for the occassion, Tilley hats and rain suits do not do them justice" hey! the guys also looked ok !
During the dinner I asked Bill and Shirley Boutilier to Represent all of those from the Island Hoppers who had walked across the Causeway during the 50th Anniversary celebrations to come forward and except their certificates on behalf of the walkers on that day, Rick Kanne was asked to represent all the other club members who were there on that most rainy but wonderful day.
The following photos were taken by Lionel Conrod, thank you Lionel, it was most appreciated.

On The left is Bill Boutilier, centre Rollie Coombes and on the Right Shirley Boutilier accepting certificates for walking across the causeway during the 50th Anniversary celebrations.

Rick Kanne accepts on behalf of all the club members from across the Atlantic Area.
On Sunday the sun finally arose and we had an excellent day for a 10K walk along the cliffs behind The Glace Bay Miners Museum to South Street Beach, we then turned around and walked through the wharves watching fishermen preparing for the upcoming Lobster season, into Commercial Street Glace Bay for an unscheduled stop!, through Renwick Brook, Queen Elizabeth and Cameron Bowl Parks and back to the museum area.
Many of our members and visitiors stayed to have a light luncheon buffet at the Miners Village Restaurant.
After this weekend of Walking for fun, fitness and friendship we are placing a fourth "f" into the motto for "food"
My sincere thank you to all who participated in this great weekend of walking and meeting new and old friends. Rollie
How do we continue to pass on the message of Walking for the Health of It?
How do we pass on the message of Walking for fun, fitness and friendship?
Your comments would be appreciated on this subject!
My answer: one step at a time, one new walker from each of us at future events; walking or volksmarching is a uniquie sport but we are not media savvy, there's no one getting hurt, crippled, bloodied noses or penallty boxes.We do not participate in local or federal politics. We have something even more special "our Island, Our Trails, the occassional deer or moose, a tranquil spot to have a group picnic, a place along the shoreline to see a whale or a porpoise in one of our many coves and harbours. We have fun and friends.
The next walk(s) check your schedule for 7 & 8 May 2006.
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