"Happy is the man who has acquired the love of walking for its own sake" WJ Holland

The above photo was taken in Iona CB and features volkssporters from around the Atlantic Area, other parts of Canada and many friends from the USA.
THE VALLEY TREKKERS - 1996 - 2006 -
The Vally Trekkers will be holding their 10th Anniversary celebrations from June 23-25, 2006 which will include a banquet at the Mid Valley Motel, Main Street, Middelton. The banquet meal will include Roast Beef or Turkey Dinner, complete with all the fixings and Anniversary cake for dessert. The cost of this dinner is $25.00/person.
Send a cheque or Money Order,no later than June 15, 2006 made payable to:
Valley Trekkers Volkssport Club
PO Box 1035 Greenwood NS B0P 1N0
Please indicate Turkey or Beef Dinner and list allergies if any.
Walk Schedule:
Friday, June 23rd - 6:00PM - Wolfville Year Round - Meet at the Robie Tufts Monument, Front St. Registration starts at 5:30PM
Saturday, June 24th - 10:00AM - Bridgetown - meet at the Information Centre, Main St. Registration starts at9:30AM
- 2:0PM - Middelton - meet at the school next to Rotary Park at the end of King St. Registration starts at 1:30PM
Saturday evening 24th of June meet at 6:30PM for Dinner at 7:00PM, Mid Valley Motel/Restaurant, Main St., Middleton, NS
Sunday,June 25th -10:00AM - Kingston - meet at Pinecrest Elementary School, Registration 9:30AM
- 2:30PM - Kentville - meet at the Kingstec Campus Parking Lot, Belcher ST., Registration at 2:00PM
If you require more information please contact: Bert Currie president of The Valley trekkers.
The Mid Valley Motel is offering $20.00 off rooms for volkssporters; 121 Main St., Middleton, NS, 902-825-3433;866-332-3433.
Edmonton, Alberta
12, 13 & 14 May 2006
Shaw Conference Centre
Information for this convention which is open to all volkssporters and interested groups can be found at the website to the right of this page-->
The Valley Trekkers Volkssport Club will host the 2008 Convention at Acadia University, Wolfville NS, May 23-25th.
It would be appreciated if they could have the support of all clubs in Atlantic Canada to follow this through.
Lynda L Kanne
Atlantic Region Director
Canadian Volkssport Federation
97 Palmer Road RR#1
Aylesford NS B0P 1C0
Special Activities for The Central Nova Volkssport Club
September 1 - 4, 2006, Labour Day Weekend
Saturday, Sept. 2 - Potluck supper 6PM at the home of Sally Merriam #3651 Main St., Advocate Harbour
Sunday, Sept. 3 - Turkey Supper 6PM, Advocate Harbour School, Rte 209 just past the Irving Station.
Cost $15.00/person, paid no later than July 31. No refunds after August 10. Make cheques or M.O. payable to:
Central Nova Volkssport Club and mail to: 273 Glenwood Dr., Truro, NS B2N 1R1
For Further Information about walks and other activities contact a member of the Truro group, some brochures will be available here in CB or call Rollie and I will give you contact numbers.
A Brief Walk Schedule:
Friday, Sept 1 - Bass River Lighthouse Walk, 2PM
Saturday,Sept 2 - Cape Chignecto Park Walks, 9AM
- Refugee Cove 25Km
- Millbrook Portion 12Km
- Beach Portion 5Km
Sunday, Sept 3 - two walks at 9AM, carry a lunch, meet at Cape Chignecto Park Information Centre, The Trails are Eatonville to Seal Cove and return or Eatonville Overland Trail; contact the club for further information.
Monday, Sept 4 - Cape d'Or/Spencer's Island walks, 9AM, 5/12Km/18Km, all walkers meet at Advocate Harbour United Church and drive to Start Points.
More Information about other activities will be posted shortly. Watch For:
The Irish Festival in New Brunswick, Kejimujik Seaside Adjunct and National Park
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