The 50th Anniversary of "The Strait of Canso Causeway" and our 10k walk began with a cloudy cool day, The Island Hoppers set up a Start Point across the highway from the "Gut of Canso Museum" and just left of the Skye Motel in Port Hastings on the Cape Breton side of the causeway.
Thirty-seven walkers signed-in for the event and we were led off by Piper Heather MacLeod and our Honouary Walk Leader Rilla MacLean. Rollie lead the walk across the causeway to the weigh station near Auld's Cove and as usual the weather cooperated with a light drizzle of rain as we returned to the Cape Breton side.
At the swing bridge there is a small isthmus of land where there is a lighthouse perched on a hill and a pioneer graveyard, where there is seven lonely gravesites of former settlers to this area. We had a short break in this area and when we entered the coast guard and DFO area Rollie and Lynda Kanne were interviewed by a local FM radio station.
We continued to the Trans Canada Trail/Ghost Beach portion of this event and by this time it began to rain; Rollie reminded everyone that this is a great beach and trail with a wonderful view of the mainland and the strait area on a more sunnier day.
Except for the rain everyone had a good time and many returned to the Port Hastings firehall for a cold plate dinner and then onto the official ceremonies and the official parade across the "Road to the Isle".
Sunday, 14th of August, 9am, Tanya MacNutt of the Central Nova Volkssport Club (CNVC)led 23 participants on a very nice 5-10k walk event along the boardwalks and beach at Pomquet Provincial Park.This is one of the hidden jewells of NS, the white sandy beach of this area had only four swimmers including the two lifeguards while we were there for our walk event.
My sincere Thanks to Tanya and Tom MacNutt for hosting this event on the mainland and then coming to our afternoon walk on Cape Breton at Craigmore.
At Craigmore we were hosted by Clare and Blaise MacNeil. Clare led us on another 10k beach walk (the mtn trail was cancelled due to a number of deadfalls along the trail) and Blaise led another group along the Ceilidh/Rail Trail for those who wanted a nice flat 1B trail.
After the walk event we had a BBQ/picnic where Lynda Kanne the Atlantic Area Director presented Bill and Shirley Boutilier with the 5 year Ron Colpitts award for exceptional volunteer work with volkssporting, along with the award Lynda read a letter from The CVF President Graham Fawcett thanking both for their time and effort in promoting The Island Hoppers and CVF.
Overall a great weekend of walking and socializing.
Fun, Fitness and Friendship
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