The Cape Breton Island Hoppers Annual Agenda
Annual General Meeting November 26th 2005
Presidents Opening Remarks: Roland Coombes
Review Agenda For 2005
Minutes: Barbara MacDonald
Correspondence: Annual & Bi-Annual Reports from CVF, on file
Treasurer &
Membership Reports: Elsie Buck
Committee Reports: Ways & Means Barb Thistle
Louisbourg, Then & Now, 2007: Phil & Anne Irons
Bus Tour Committee
Director of Atlantic Area: Lynda Kanne (correspondence)
Old Business:
New Business:
Canadian Volkssport Federation (CVF) AGM & Proxy Vote
Atlantic Directors Meeting 2006 (CBRM)
Event & Distance Books & IVV Awards Program
Website: WWW Address & Email
Office Expenses increase
Christmas Party
Annual Walk Schedule 2006:
“3rd Annual Celtic Colours Walks”
“A Highland Weekend”
“Highland Hiking Adventure”
Election of Officers:
Vice President
Ways & Means (06/07)
Trail Co-ordinator:
-Co-ordinator for the 10th Anniversary Celebrations
-Walk Schedule (2007)
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

START TIME: 1:00pm
The last of Our Cape Breton Lighthouse Theme Walks!
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers Volkssport Club Annual General Meeting
WHEN: Saturday, 26 November 2005
TIME: 2:00PM (14:00Hrs.)
LOCATION: Sydney,Trinity Ave., off George Street
The Ways and Means will provide refreshments.
The Agenda for this annual club meeting will be published asap and all members are encouraged to attend.
All members are also encouraged to submit items for the meetings agenda; what information would you like discussed during the meeting?
One of the most important items to be discussed and voted on are club positions such as President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurers, Trails Coordinator, Ways And Means Coordinator.
Some but not all, now serving on the executive this past year maybe quite content to stay in the positions and continue to serve their club, others may want to step down, such as the now serving president and secretary; you the members should be prepared to nominate and vote for these positions, it is now time for changes within the executive.
If you are willing to serve on the executive or be a member of a committee, please contact me asap or the nomination committee (volunteer(s) for this Committee??)
Edmonton, Alberta
12, 13 & 14 May 2006
Shaw Conference Centre
Information for this convention which is open to all volkssporters and interested groups can be found at the website to the right of this page-->
Hi everyone:
The Valley Trekkers Volkssport Club has put a request into CVF Ottawa to host the 2008 Convention at Acadia University, Wolfville NS, May 23-25th.
It would be appreciated if they could have the support of all clubs in Atlantic Canada to follow this through. They will be setting up a committee at their Annual Meeting on Dec 1st. If you are interested in helping out please come out to their meeting and offer your support or if you are unable to attend but have an idea in mind or would like to be on a committee please let me know.
Lynda L Kanne
Atlantic Region Director
Canadian Volkssport Federation
97 Palmer Road RR#1
Aylesford NS B0P 1C0
(902) 847-1772
Sunday, October 16, 2005
The following message has been received from Sue Banks, president of The Dartmouth Volksmarch Club; the DVC were our co-host for the 2005 Celtic Colours Walk Festival.
Hi Rollie: We had a wonderful weekend in an area of Cape Breton that most of us had not walked before. In past, driving through this area, I have often wanted to stop and get to know some of its trails and view points. The beauty of the area with the falls, the narrows, the neat communities and the hospitality are outstanding. In spite of the warm showers (rain), they walked! And they enjoyed! Even the Celtic Salt Cod! Accomodation in the area was excellent; I heard no unfavourable comments. I believe everyone enjoyed the whole weekend and I am proud that our club had some part in it. Memories will last forever. Unfortunately most of us did not have time to take in many of the Celtic Concerts. I have heard many comments that, another year, they would like to participate in a one guided walk per day, perhaps a longer walk and keep more time for concerts. Some would prefer afternoon concerts to avoid driving back to their accomodation late at night, in the dark. So, it was a good introduction of the Celtic Colours Festival. Pre-purchase of tickets is a must as you did tell them in the brochures, etc. and should still be emphasized. They will return and they will bring others. I believe that the Monday afternoon walk drew fewer participants because of the rain and the long drive back to Halifax/Dartmouth but, it also attracted new people to volkssport. Sharon talked with four people from Kenora, Ontario who were in the area for the music and found the walk really good. There are always hiccups when dealing with a large group of people and you dealt with it very professionally
Please Note:
We have already addressed the amount of guided walks, the 2006 schedule has 3 guided walks only for the Celtic Walks Festival and the YRE's will be presented as they were intended as self-guided events. The 2006 schedule is now available and I will have copies at the next event and at our Annual General Meeting which is scheduled for Saturday 26th of November 2005, the venue for the meeting will be posted shortly.
Our statistics on the weekend for both clubs are as follows:
CBIH: Saturday Morning 8th of Oct in East Margaree: IVV 39, free 4, Total 43
DVC: Saturday Afternoon 8th of Oct in Pipers Glen: IVV 53, free 3, Total 56
DVC: Sunday Morning 9th of Oct in Grand Narrows: IVV 73, free 2, Total 75
CBIH: Sunday Afternoon 9th of Oct in Iona: IVV 81, free 8, Total 89
DVC: Monday Morning 10th of Oct in Uisge Ban Falls: IVV 75, free 3, Total 78
CBIH: Monday Afternoon 10th of Oct in Denys Mtn: IVV 35, free 4, Total 35
The total GW for CBIH was 167
The total GW for DVC was: 209
The above statistics included Walking Adventures International, a bus tour group of 26 who in addition to atttending our walk program and dinners at Iona, attended several music venues and museums throughout the week of Celtic Colours. This years group were led by Debbie Zimel and Sandy McNamara.
In addition to the above Guided Walks the CBIH hosted an early bird walk on Friday using our Year Round Event in Baddeck that attracted 34 participants and during the remainder of the week using our YRE's as Guided Walks, we averaged 8 walkers at 2pm daily plus 4 to 6 participants who signed in on their own.
When checking the "walk boxes" I noticed four names "from away" who had either signed in for our YRE's in the morning or the day before us. We should consider making Lily & Lionel Conrod from Dartmouth, Shirley Brogan Ontario and Ruth Pederson from Middleton, WI USA honourary Capers due to their support of our fall walking festival.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Saturday, October 01, 2005
The Big Events for our CELTIC COLOURS WALKS will soon be here beginning on FRIDAY, 07 OCT, in BADDECK and continuing until SATURDAY 15th of Oct. 2005.
The schedule is available on our regular website or on the Celtic Colours site.
Click on the sites to the right of this page.
Help support your club and come out and meet walkers (volkssporters) from different parts of Canada and The USA.
RESERVATIONS for the LUNCH and DINNER in Iona, on the 9th of October, are now closed, we cannot accept new reservations.
The directions for the Start Points on Saturday 8th of October:
Directions to East Margaree and Egypt Falls:
From The Village of Baddeck take the 105W to EXIT 7 “The Red Barn” and turn right onto The Cabot Trail Highway for both walk events:
Maps will be available at the afternoon walk in Baddeck.
· Go to East Margaree for the morning walk event at St Michaels RC Church.
· There are two entrances to the right, into East Margaree, there will be signs at both of these entrances.
· There will be one volkssport sign before the Margaree Information Centre and the second about 3K further on.
To Egypt Falls, the afternoon walk event:
· From the Margaree Information Centre:
· Turn right at Margaree Forks Irving Service Centre. (LEFT if coming directly from the "Red Barn")Exit 7
· Pass a graveyard on the left and cross a bridge.
· Turn left on Route 395, first paved road after the bridge.
· Drive for approx. 5 min. and cross a one-lane bridge.
· Just before crossing a second bridge, there will be volkssport signs, turn onto the dirt road on the left.
· Follow the dirt road for 2.2 and watch for Volkssport signs at a bridge and turn right.
· There are blue hiker signs as well; just before the trail to the falls there is an area we have reserved for a bus, the remainder of the cars can park along the right hand-side of the road/trail.
Please Note that you can also get to Egypt Falls by following Route 395 North at the Whycocomagh Exit #5 near Vi's Restaurant and Following 395 along the East side of Lake Ainslie (East L.A.)a short distance North of Scotsville and Egypt Falls Road to Pipers Glen Road.
The schedule is available on our regular website or on the Celtic Colours site.
Click on the sites to the right of this page.
Help support your club and come out and meet walkers (volkssporters) from different parts of Canada and The USA.
RESERVATIONS for the LUNCH and DINNER in Iona, on the 9th of October, are now closed, we cannot accept new reservations.
The directions for the Start Points on Saturday 8th of October:
Directions to East Margaree and Egypt Falls:
From The Village of Baddeck take the 105W to EXIT 7 “The Red Barn” and turn right onto The Cabot Trail Highway for both walk events:
Maps will be available at the afternoon walk in Baddeck.
· Go to East Margaree for the morning walk event at St Michaels RC Church.
· There are two entrances to the right, into East Margaree, there will be signs at both of these entrances.
· There will be one volkssport sign before the Margaree Information Centre and the second about 3K further on.
To Egypt Falls, the afternoon walk event:
· From the Margaree Information Centre:
· Turn right at Margaree Forks Irving Service Centre. (LEFT if coming directly from the "Red Barn")Exit 7
· Pass a graveyard on the left and cross a bridge.
· Turn left on Route 395, first paved road after the bridge.
· Drive for approx. 5 min. and cross a one-lane bridge.
· Just before crossing a second bridge, there will be volkssport signs, turn onto the dirt road on the left.
· Follow the dirt road for 2.2 and watch for Volkssport signs at a bridge and turn right.
· There are blue hiker signs as well; just before the trail to the falls there is an area we have reserved for a bus, the remainder of the cars can park along the right hand-side of the road/trail.
Please Note that you can also get to Egypt Falls by following Route 395 North at the Whycocomagh Exit #5 near Vi's Restaurant and Following 395 along the East side of Lake Ainslie (East L.A.)a short distance North of Scotsville and Egypt Falls Road to Pipers Glen Road.
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Coming up next, our walk on Sunday, Sept 25/05
Cape Auget Nature trail
Check for details on our calendar of events.
The Lunch and Dinner on Sunday 09 October 2005 during The Celtic Colours Walks deadline has passed,(19 Sept) anyone who has changed their plans about attending the meals will be put on a waiting list and will be required to pay the $33.00 before being considered for the waiting list. (returnable if you don't get a seat for the dinners)
There is now over 90 patricipants registered for these dinner special, The caterer is trying to arrange more seating, but they also must order and prepare the food, so it is imperative that members register for this and future events early.
Please Note: There is no preregistering for the WALK EVENTS other then the Bus Tour Group who will be in attendance throughout the weekend of walking. All interested walkers can register at the Start Points as we normally do at any walk event. ----YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER FOR THE DINNERS TO PATRICIPATE IN THESE WALKS---
On Sunday, 17 Sept, 5 determined volkssporters met at the trail head behind Keltic Lodge for the hike to Middle Head.
At the Start Point we met up with Patsy LeBlanc the coordinator for the "Highland Hiking Festival" and Jocelyne Quann who is a trails guide for the National Park and who led us along the trail showing us the many diverse vegetation in the area and a brief history of the Middle Head Trail.
Prior to the walk I was asked to give a brief descripyion of our club and organization to the 15 or more hikers who were attending the "festivial", hopefully we have stirred up some interest with some of the locals in the area and more participation by the festival organizers to hold IVV Events in the future.
With Jocelyne's help we were able to get a better understanding of the natural world around us at Middle Head and the walk was highlighted by sighting a Minkie Whale very close to the shoreline. Jocelyne is a bag of knowledge and she also carries a "bag of knowledge" to share with us the visitors to the National Park. Thank You Jocelyne for a great day of walking!
Margaret Karrel (a club member) and her two daughters, Bailey and Whitney who are now official volksmarchers joined our group for the return trip to the start point.
The weather was great, cool, not hot and not cold and a light very light internittent rain; we were not "wet" on the return trip.
Yes,a small band of volksmarchers did attend this event but we had Fun and met a few Friends along the way including two ladies from Holland who tagged along to listen to the trails guide presentation.
The Convention 2008!
Graham Fawcett the president of the Canadian Volkssport Federation and our area director Lynda Kanne have contacted me wanting to know the status of our clubs position on holding the 2008 Canadian Volkssport Federations Convention on Cape Breton in 2008.
Regretfully my answer to Graham and Lynda is that we must decline this invitation, upon my presentations to the club and informal discussions with club members there was not enough enthusiasim or support at this time in our clubs membership for such an undertaking.
I still feel that it could be done but I must concede to the wishes of the majority of the club members as this has been made quite clear to me from the dinner at Glace Bay, The Trails meeting in July and when I have brought the subject up on the Trail. We must have most if not all members in agreement and I do not want this club and its members subjected to hard feelings about the issue.
This is now a dead issue in the club and will be for a future executive to ponder.
Start Thinking and Working to keep this club going, consider who should be on the new executive, is it you? and why not!
If you want information about the 2006, EDMONTON, ALBERTA convention go to the CVF website, located to the right of this page.
Conention Dates are:
Edmonton, Alberta
12, 13 & 14 May 2006
Shaw Conference Centre
Cape Auget Nature trail
Check for details on our calendar of events.
The Lunch and Dinner on Sunday 09 October 2005 during The Celtic Colours Walks deadline has passed,(19 Sept) anyone who has changed their plans about attending the meals will be put on a waiting list and will be required to pay the $33.00 before being considered for the waiting list. (returnable if you don't get a seat for the dinners)
There is now over 90 patricipants registered for these dinner special, The caterer is trying to arrange more seating, but they also must order and prepare the food, so it is imperative that members register for this and future events early.
The Highland Heights Restaurant is open during the following hours only:
From Management Kim MacAulay: Our dining room is only open for breakfast (8-10am) and dinner (5:30-8:30pm) - We do not serve lunch this year.
Please Note: There is no preregistering for the WALK EVENTS other then the Bus Tour Group who will be in attendance throughout the weekend of walking. All interested walkers can register at the Start Points as we normally do at any walk event. ----YOU DO NOT HAVE TO REGISTER FOR THE DINNERS TO PATRICIPATE IN THESE WALKS---
On Sunday, 17 Sept, 5 determined volkssporters met at the trail head behind Keltic Lodge for the hike to Middle Head.
At the Start Point we met up with Patsy LeBlanc the coordinator for the "Highland Hiking Festival" and Jocelyne Quann who is a trails guide for the National Park and who led us along the trail showing us the many diverse vegetation in the area and a brief history of the Middle Head Trail.
Prior to the walk I was asked to give a brief descripyion of our club and organization to the 15 or more hikers who were attending the "festivial", hopefully we have stirred up some interest with some of the locals in the area and more participation by the festival organizers to hold IVV Events in the future.
With Jocelyne's help we were able to get a better understanding of the natural world around us at Middle Head and the walk was highlighted by sighting a Minkie Whale very close to the shoreline. Jocelyne is a bag of knowledge and she also carries a "bag of knowledge" to share with us the visitors to the National Park. Thank You Jocelyne for a great day of walking!
Margaret Karrel (a club member) and her two daughters, Bailey and Whitney who are now official volksmarchers joined our group for the return trip to the start point.
The weather was great, cool, not hot and not cold and a light very light internittent rain; we were not "wet" on the return trip.
Yes,a small band of volksmarchers did attend this event but we had Fun and met a few Friends along the way including two ladies from Holland who tagged along to listen to the trails guide presentation.
The Convention 2008!
Graham Fawcett the president of the Canadian Volkssport Federation and our area director Lynda Kanne have contacted me wanting to know the status of our clubs position on holding the 2008 Canadian Volkssport Federations Convention on Cape Breton in 2008.
Regretfully my answer to Graham and Lynda is that we must decline this invitation, upon my presentations to the club and informal discussions with club members there was not enough enthusiasim or support at this time in our clubs membership for such an undertaking.
I still feel that it could be done but I must concede to the wishes of the majority of the club members as this has been made quite clear to me from the dinner at Glace Bay, The Trails meeting in July and when I have brought the subject up on the Trail. We must have most if not all members in agreement and I do not want this club and its members subjected to hard feelings about the issue.
This is now a dead issue in the club and will be for a future executive to ponder.
Start Thinking and Working to keep this club going, consider who should be on the new executive, is it you? and why not!
If you want information about the 2006, EDMONTON, ALBERTA convention go to the CVF website, located to the right of this page.
Conention Dates are:
Edmonton, Alberta
12, 13 & 14 May 2006
Shaw Conference Centre
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
LET's Continue WALKING:
When: Saturday, Sept. 17th, 2pm
Start Point: Keltic Lodge parking lot
Trail: Middle Head Trail and Ingonish Beach
Dist: 10K 2C IVV Sanctioned
Walk Leader(s): Rollie and a rep. from the "festival" Dupie Milne-Ashton.
From Hike The Highlands
Hello, Rollie:
Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. We are staffing a Hospitality Room throughout the Festival and we can distribute the information. Also, for anyone coming up on Saturday they may want to stay for the Barbeque/Bonfire/Singalong at the Glenghorm Resort from 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m. The cost is $15.95 (great food) and to reserve a spot, people have to phone the resort at 285-2049.
Also, are we all meeting in the parking lot next to the stairs to the hike?
Please let me know. ANS. YES
Patsy LeBlanc
Hike the Highlands Festival
Elsie Buck would like to have The Island Hoppers join her and Joe on a Whale Watching Tour in the morning before the Walk Event at Middle Head.
Call Elsie at 562-3117 and leave a message if she is not home at that time.
Please make the arrangements with Elsie, as I will be working that morning.
The whale tour begins at 10:00am, you should arrive 15-30min before departure.
The tour is: SEAQUARIUM WHALE WATCHING TOUR, Phone for additional details: 285-2103.
The cost is $25.00 + tax/person
If needed rain gear is provided, though the tour does not go if there is rough seas!
The minimum number of passengers is six and there is seating fo 40 on this 44 ft Cape Islander.
There is a 95% chance of seeing whales on a cruise which takes about 2 1/2 hours, so there is plenty of time to get to our walk at 2pm at the Keltic Lodge which is about 15 minutes from the dock, the whale tour is about 1hr 45 min from Sydney.
SUNDAY, Sept 25
Registration 1:30pm
START TIME: 2:00pm
Rollie, 849-0747
Cape Auget Trail, Village of Arichat---
Follow the "Lower Road" to Cape Auget Road to our trail head at the "Clearwater Lobster Holding Facility"
DO NOT GO TO BEAUDERVILLE where we have gone on previous walks, this event is in the opposite direction to make for a more interesting adventure if you have been on this trail in the past.
September is proving to be a great month for walking, the weather has been cooler and there is a walk every weekend for our members to pick from.
So far we have been to Inverness on Sunday Sept. 4th and then 11 of us accomplished a 16K walk or should I say HIKE into The Lighthouse at Cape North and Money Point.
From my previous post most of you now know that we Started at Bay Road Valley located between Sugarloaf and Bay St Lawerence.
The Start Point was located at a magnificient viewing point, overlooking Meat Cove and Bay St Lawerence villages.
The trek along the road/trail was spotted with some great views of the highlands and the beaches below near Cabot's Landing.
Along the trail we came across a number of Microwave towers and a coast guard communication installation; during the prewalk on the previous Thursday the crew here showed us photos of the facilities during the winter. The buildup of ice from one of the towers destroyed the roof of one building and the scenes of high snow banks was something that you would imagine only in the north of Canada, (well I guess you could say we were in the NORTH albeit Cape North, Cape Breton)
During the walk to the coastline and the approx 750m incline to the coastline we came across bear droppings and the signs of moose in the area. Fortunately we did not have to implement plan "A" if we had come across bear on the trail-we arrived back with all who came on this adventure!!
Slowly we made our way down into the coastal plain along a narrrow and rocky trail, there were many cries of OOPS!and more *@*@%!OOPS along the route as we upturned the loose gravel and rocks.
There was a strong N'or easter along the coastline as we then trekked 1.5k to the lighthouse with a view of St Pauls Island off the coastline and the Highlands to our left, this is apart of our island that very few will ever see, I and those who made this excursion could not give justice to really describing the area to others.
Lots of photos were taken and I hope to get them on the website soonest.
The return trip up the Mountain was definitely an endurance, a definite challenge, we proceeded by counting 40 paces, rest- deep breaths, 40 paces rest-DEEP BREATHS, after 7-8 stops we were all wondering if there was a top to this mountain and on a couple of occassion we sat for 5min.
WE returned to our cars exhausted but exhilirated, on a high, for accomplishing this 16k event. We started out at 10am and were back to our cars at about 5:15pm.
After the walk the entire group made its way to Pipers Trailer Court & Restaurant at Indian Brook, where the owner and our host, Charles MacInnis provided us with a great meal and a complimentary dessert with our dinner. Thanks Charles It was very much appreciated.
Check you schedule for Sept 25th and if you haven't received info about our walk at The Keltic Lodge on SATURDAY, 17 of Sept please contact me for details or continue checking the website for information.
So far we have been to Inverness on Sunday Sept. 4th and then 11 of us accomplished a 16K walk or should I say HIKE into The Lighthouse at Cape North and Money Point.
From my previous post most of you now know that we Started at Bay Road Valley located between Sugarloaf and Bay St Lawerence.
The Start Point was located at a magnificient viewing point, overlooking Meat Cove and Bay St Lawerence villages.
The trek along the road/trail was spotted with some great views of the highlands and the beaches below near Cabot's Landing.
Along the trail we came across a number of Microwave towers and a coast guard communication installation; during the prewalk on the previous Thursday the crew here showed us photos of the facilities during the winter. The buildup of ice from one of the towers destroyed the roof of one building and the scenes of high snow banks was something that you would imagine only in the north of Canada, (well I guess you could say we were in the NORTH albeit Cape North, Cape Breton)
During the walk to the coastline and the approx 750m incline to the coastline we came across bear droppings and the signs of moose in the area. Fortunately we did not have to implement plan "A" if we had come across bear on the trail-we arrived back with all who came on this adventure!!
Slowly we made our way down into the coastal plain along a narrrow and rocky trail, there were many cries of OOPS!and more *@*@%!OOPS along the route as we upturned the loose gravel and rocks.
There was a strong N'or easter along the coastline as we then trekked 1.5k to the lighthouse with a view of St Pauls Island off the coastline and the Highlands to our left, this is apart of our island that very few will ever see, I and those who made this excursion could not give justice to really describing the area to others.
Lots of photos were taken and I hope to get them on the website soonest.
The return trip up the Mountain was definitely an endurance, a definite challenge, we proceeded by counting 40 paces, rest- deep breaths, 40 paces rest-DEEP BREATHS, after 7-8 stops we were all wondering if there was a top to this mountain and on a couple of occassion we sat for 5min.
WE returned to our cars exhausted but exhilirated, on a high, for accomplishing this 16k event. We started out at 10am and were back to our cars at about 5:15pm.
After the walk the entire group made its way to Pipers Trailer Court & Restaurant at Indian Brook, where the owner and our host, Charles MacInnis provided us with a great meal and a complimentary dessert with our dinner. Thanks Charles It was very much appreciated.
Check you schedule for Sept 25th and if you haven't received info about our walk at The Keltic Lodge on SATURDAY, 17 of Sept please contact me for details or continue checking the website for information.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Money Point, Correction to Start Point
CORRECTION TO START POINT/MEETING AREA and Special Notes about the Hike to Money Point. I was unable to get to the prewalk for this year until this past Thursday Sept 8th, SORRY FOLKS I have to work! The drive to our meeting point is 2 1/2 hours 175k,(from the Alexander Street Exit in Sydney) through the Highland national Park then into a winding stretch of road beginning at Cape North Village outside of the park (our club signs are now posted)
Bay Road Valley
The walk begins at 10AM
Directions to our Start Point:
Follow the Cabot Trail to Cape North Village by Morrison's Restaurant onto the un-numbered road to Bay Road Valley, DO NOT GO TO BAY ST. LAWERENCE and DO NOT FOLLOW the instructions in Michael Haynes book "Cape Breton Trails". That Start Point is deemed unsafe and much to rugged for our purposes. Our Meeting Point is the MT&T Garage at "Bay Road Valley" the Start Point is 2k along a dirt road Please watch for our signs in this area. I will wait at the MT&T garage until 10am.
This walk event is one of the most challenging we have ever attempted and Bill Boutilier our former Trails Coordinator has RATED this at 5C. At one point on the prewalk this past Thursday I was wondering if I could add a 6c! Expect to be on the trail 5-6hours plus we arrived home at 8:30pm without stopping for dinner on the return trip.
Lets have fun, take your time, lets be safe, rest as you require to do so, The map shows a height of 750m and the trail down into the valley (gorge) is extrmely steep and about 1k.
We all know our limitations, don't wait for the group to stop for a rest, do not try and keep up with the group, we are all going to the same place, this is a linear style trail; that is we turn around and follow the trail back to the SP.
On the prewalk we found that walking 40 paces, stopping for one to two minutes the better way to traverse this ascent to the top of the hill (mountain)
This should be a great experience this is the furthest North we can travel on Cape Breton
If you have bad knees, hip problems etc. and have not been walking this year please for your safety and the safety of the others in our club do not attempt this challenging event. Cellphones do not work in this area.
My sincere thank you to Bill, Shirley and Carol who prewalked this event with me; for Bill and Shirley this was their third foray into this area.
Bay Road Valley
The walk begins at 10AM
Directions to our Start Point:
Follow the Cabot Trail to Cape North Village by Morrison's Restaurant onto the un-numbered road to Bay Road Valley, DO NOT GO TO BAY ST. LAWERENCE and DO NOT FOLLOW the instructions in Michael Haynes book "Cape Breton Trails". That Start Point is deemed unsafe and much to rugged for our purposes. Our Meeting Point is the MT&T Garage at "Bay Road Valley" the Start Point is 2k along a dirt road Please watch for our signs in this area. I will wait at the MT&T garage until 10am.
This walk event is one of the most challenging we have ever attempted and Bill Boutilier our former Trails Coordinator has RATED this at 5C. At one point on the prewalk this past Thursday I was wondering if I could add a 6c! Expect to be on the trail 5-6hours plus we arrived home at 8:30pm without stopping for dinner on the return trip.
Lets have fun, take your time, lets be safe, rest as you require to do so, The map shows a height of 750m and the trail down into the valley (gorge) is extrmely steep and about 1k.
We all know our limitations, don't wait for the group to stop for a rest, do not try and keep up with the group, we are all going to the same place, this is a linear style trail; that is we turn around and follow the trail back to the SP.
On the prewalk we found that walking 40 paces, stopping for one to two minutes the better way to traverse this ascent to the top of the hill (mountain)
This should be a great experience this is the furthest North we can travel on Cape Breton
If you have bad knees, hip problems etc. and have not been walking this year please for your safety and the safety of the others in our club do not attempt this challenging event. Cellphones do not work in this area.
My sincere thank you to Bill, Shirley and Carol who prewalked this event with me; for Bill and Shirley this was their third foray into this area.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Click on trail photos to the right of this page>
The Cape Bretoner magazine has published an aticle featuring our club and other walking groups in the area. My thanks to Tom Ayers for taking the time and effort for this article and already I have had some calls asking for more info on our club.I will setup a link to this magazine shortly.
CORRECTION TO START POINT/MEETING AREA and Special Notes about the Hike to Money Point.
The walk begins at 10AM
Directions to our Start Point:
Follow the Cabot Trail to Cape North Village by Morrison's Restaurant onto the un-numbered road to Bay Road Valley, DO NOT GO TO BAY ST. LAWERENCE and DO NOT FOLLOW the instructions in Michael Haynes book "Cape Breton Trails". That Start Point is deemed unsafe and much to rugged for our purposes.Our Meeting Point is the MT&T Garage at "Bay Road Valley" the Start Point is 2k along a dirt road Please watch for our signs in this area.
This walk event is one of the most challenging we have ever attempted and Bill Boutilier our former Trails Coordinator has RATED this at 5C.
Lets have fun, take your time, rest as you require to do so, The map shows a height of 750m and the trail down into the valley is extrmely steep about 1k.
We all know our limitations, don't wait for the group to stop for a rest, do not try and keep up with the group, we are all going to the same place, this is a linear style trail; that is we turn around and follow the trail back to the SP.
On the prewalk we found that walking 40 paces, stopping for one to two minutes the better way to traverse this ascent to the top of the hill (mountain)
This should be a great experience this is the furthest North we can travel on Cape Breton and the view is supposed to be...... well lets find out for ourselves!!
What A great surprise!
Our walk at Gabarus on Sunday 28 of August was fabulous, a beautiful summer day,the first 1k is still the wettest portion but our walk leader Shirley Boutilier with Bill and Carol were on the trail earlier in the morning cutting brush to cover as much of the wet spots as possible and as a result we travelled across these areas with little trouble and not a damp foot amongst us.
Its dedication like this that has resulted in Bill and Shirley to recieve the Ron Colpitts award. The colpitts award is presented to members of a volkssport club who have worked on club committees and have shown outstanding performance throughout a five year period within the CVF.
There were 23 participants at Gabarus, three new members joined us for this event. All appeared to have a good time and we hope to see them on future walk events.
Welcome to the club folks...Elaine Cohen, Sonny Cluett,David Erwin.
Rising Gas Prices have not dampened our club members and guest from attending walk events on the sunset side of the island as 31 walkers joined us for our event on Sunday 04 September.
This was a pleasant shock to me as I approached the parking lot at the Rail Museum.
What a busy little museum! until I realized it was our walk event that drew all the people to this area for the day, including a couple from BC, others from Port Hood and Another new member for our club Sharon Proctor from Havenside.WELCOME!
Hopefully we are beginning to attract some attention on this side of the island!
Thank You to Anne and Phil Irons for giving us a very diverse and interesting walking event.
Phil led us from the Railroad Museum in the town of Inverness out to the railroad trail and then returned to the beach and boardwalk at Inverness. What a great sandy beach to walk on as the sand was well packed and easy to walk. Phil then led us to the new Inverness Art centre where a display of marble and stone artisan was well underway as we took and unprecedented 20min break to look at the displays.
Thank You Phil and Anne for a great walk and perfect weather, we should return to Inverness in the future as there is a rail trail we should continue to explore as well.
Another surprise was the dinner that some of us attended with Rilla and Jim MacLean at the Tommy Cat Bistro in Inverness, recommended for great food YES, just overlook the odd decor and layout!?
Walking for Fun, Fitness and Friendship!
Click on trail photos to the right of this page>
The Cape Bretoner magazine has published an aticle featuring our club and other walking groups in the area. My thanks to Tom Ayers for taking the time and effort for this article and already I have had some calls asking for more info on our club.I will setup a link to this magazine shortly.
CORRECTION TO START POINT/MEETING AREA and Special Notes about the Hike to Money Point.
The walk begins at 10AM
Directions to our Start Point:
Follow the Cabot Trail to Cape North Village by Morrison's Restaurant onto the un-numbered road to Bay Road Valley, DO NOT GO TO BAY ST. LAWERENCE and DO NOT FOLLOW the instructions in Michael Haynes book "Cape Breton Trails". That Start Point is deemed unsafe and much to rugged for our purposes.Our Meeting Point is the MT&T Garage at "Bay Road Valley" the Start Point is 2k along a dirt road Please watch for our signs in this area.
This walk event is one of the most challenging we have ever attempted and Bill Boutilier our former Trails Coordinator has RATED this at 5C.
Lets have fun, take your time, rest as you require to do so, The map shows a height of 750m and the trail down into the valley is extrmely steep about 1k.
We all know our limitations, don't wait for the group to stop for a rest, do not try and keep up with the group, we are all going to the same place, this is a linear style trail; that is we turn around and follow the trail back to the SP.
On the prewalk we found that walking 40 paces, stopping for one to two minutes the better way to traverse this ascent to the top of the hill (mountain)
This should be a great experience this is the furthest North we can travel on Cape Breton and the view is supposed to be...... well lets find out for ourselves!!
What A great surprise!
Our walk at Gabarus on Sunday 28 of August was fabulous, a beautiful summer day,the first 1k is still the wettest portion but our walk leader Shirley Boutilier with Bill and Carol were on the trail earlier in the morning cutting brush to cover as much of the wet spots as possible and as a result we travelled across these areas with little trouble and not a damp foot amongst us.
Its dedication like this that has resulted in Bill and Shirley to recieve the Ron Colpitts award. The colpitts award is presented to members of a volkssport club who have worked on club committees and have shown outstanding performance throughout a five year period within the CVF.
There were 23 participants at Gabarus, three new members joined us for this event. All appeared to have a good time and we hope to see them on future walk events.
Welcome to the club folks...Elaine Cohen, Sonny Cluett,David Erwin.
Rising Gas Prices have not dampened our club members and guest from attending walk events on the sunset side of the island as 31 walkers joined us for our event on Sunday 04 September.
This was a pleasant shock to me as I approached the parking lot at the Rail Museum.
What a busy little museum! until I realized it was our walk event that drew all the people to this area for the day, including a couple from BC, others from Port Hood and Another new member for our club Sharon Proctor from Havenside.WELCOME!
Hopefully we are beginning to attract some attention on this side of the island!
Thank You to Anne and Phil Irons for giving us a very diverse and interesting walking event.
Phil led us from the Railroad Museum in the town of Inverness out to the railroad trail and then returned to the beach and boardwalk at Inverness. What a great sandy beach to walk on as the sand was well packed and easy to walk. Phil then led us to the new Inverness Art centre where a display of marble and stone artisan was well underway as we took and unprecedented 20min break to look at the displays.
Thank You Phil and Anne for a great walk and perfect weather, we should return to Inverness in the future as there is a rail trail we should continue to explore as well.
Another surprise was the dinner that some of us attended with Rilla and Jim MacLean at the Tommy Cat Bistro in Inverness, recommended for great food YES, just overlook the odd decor and layout!?
Walking for Fun, Fitness and Friendship!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
The following walk is an addition to our 2005 schedule of events for this September, come out an support your club and the newest members of the (CVF) Canadian Volkssport Federation, "The Northeast Highland Hiking Adventures".
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers Volkssport Club will host one (1) IVV sanctioned event during the Highland Hiking September 16 to 25, 2005.
When: Saturday, Sept. 17th, 2pm
Start Point: Keltic Lodge parking lot
Trail: Middle Head Trail and Ingonish Beach
Dist: 10K 2C IVV Sanctioned
Walk Leader(s): Rollie and a rep. from the "festival" Dupie Milne-Ashton.
If you want more information about the "Highland Festival" and a registration package for other walks or hikes during this hiking festival, contact at 1-888-897-4094.
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers Volkssport Club will host one (1) IVV sanctioned event during the Highland Hiking September 16 to 25, 2005.
When: Saturday, Sept. 17th, 2pm
Start Point: Keltic Lodge parking lot
Trail: Middle Head Trail and Ingonish Beach
Dist: 10K 2C IVV Sanctioned
Walk Leader(s): Rollie and a rep. from the "festival" Dupie Milne-Ashton.
If you want more information about the "Highland Festival" and a registration package for other walks or hikes during this hiking festival, contact at 1-888-897-4094.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers are now featured on the Celtic Colours website with one full page dedicated to our Celtic Colours Walks program and you can even download a copy of our lunch and dinner registration form on the same site.
If you haven't already done so please register soonest for the lunch and dinner on Sunday the 9th of October 2005.
Registration must be done by the 19th of Sept to allow time for the caterer and the Highland Village to make the required preparations.
If you plan oncoming for the day and do not register for the meals we cannot guarantee you a place at the table(s). Preference will and must be given to those who have taken the time to plan the day by preregistering.
Two Meals For $33.00/person!!
The Iona/Grand Narrows area is one of the ideal picture postcard areas on the island, however there are few restaurants if any nearby especially in the fall of the year.
Come out and enjoy the walks (probably the easiest for this year) and have a good meal after the events and enjoy the friendship of fellow volkssporters.
I believe The quote that our Area Director Lynda kanne uses on her signature block sums it up quite nicely:
There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country.
A fine landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken
at the right tempo. Even a bicycle goes too fast.
- Paul Scott Mowrer
The Island Hoppers are now associated with PATHWAYS CAPE BRETON who will be coordinating trails, walking, hiking, cyclist, snowmobile an ATV groups and almost anything to do with the outdoors and active people such as ourselves. You can go to their website for a more accurate description of their mandate and please note our links from their site to ours under walking/hiking.
The next walk for the Island Hoppers takes place in Gabarus on the Gull Cove Trail.
Sunday, 28 of August at 2pm, rgistration begins at 1:30pm
OUR FAVORITE WALK LEADER for this event is Bill&Shirley Boutilier
If you require more info check our websites calendar of events.
YES, we are paying to much for GAS, so lets do something about it!
one solution, stay at home and we can all become couch potato(e)s!
OR another solution "CAR POOL" and enjoy the company of fellow walkers!
OR you could "Walk/bicycle-scooter" to the nearest "Year Round Event" with your event and distance book in hand and support your club.
Thank you to all who are supporting our "Year Round Events" during these hard over inflated gas price times.
If you haven't already done so please register soonest for the lunch and dinner on Sunday the 9th of October 2005.
Registration must be done by the 19th of Sept to allow time for the caterer and the Highland Village to make the required preparations.
If you plan oncoming for the day and do not register for the meals we cannot guarantee you a place at the table(s). Preference will and must be given to those who have taken the time to plan the day by preregistering.
Two Meals For $33.00/person!!
The Iona/Grand Narrows area is one of the ideal picture postcard areas on the island, however there are few restaurants if any nearby especially in the fall of the year.
Come out and enjoy the walks (probably the easiest for this year) and have a good meal after the events and enjoy the friendship of fellow volkssporters.
I believe The quote that our Area Director Lynda kanne uses on her signature block sums it up quite nicely:
There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country.
A fine landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken
at the right tempo. Even a bicycle goes too fast.
- Paul Scott Mowrer
The Island Hoppers are now associated with PATHWAYS CAPE BRETON who will be coordinating trails, walking, hiking, cyclist, snowmobile an ATV groups and almost anything to do with the outdoors and active people such as ourselves. You can go to their website for a more accurate description of their mandate and please note our links from their site to ours under walking/hiking.
The next walk for the Island Hoppers takes place in Gabarus on the Gull Cove Trail.
Sunday, 28 of August at 2pm, rgistration begins at 1:30pm
OUR FAVORITE WALK LEADER for this event is Bill&Shirley Boutilier
If you require more info check our websites calendar of events.
YES, we are paying to much for GAS, so lets do something about it!
one solution, stay at home and we can all become couch potato(e)s!
OR another solution "CAR POOL" and enjoy the company of fellow walkers!
OR you could "Walk/bicycle-scooter" to the nearest "Year Round Event" with your event and distance book in hand and support your club.
Thank you to all who are supporting our "Year Round Events" during these hard over inflated gas price times.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
The 50th Anniversary of "The Strait of Canso Causeway" and our 10k walk began with a cloudy cool day, The Island Hoppers set up a Start Point across the highway from the "Gut of Canso Museum" and just left of the Skye Motel in Port Hastings on the Cape Breton side of the causeway.
Thirty-seven walkers signed-in for the event and we were led off by Piper Heather MacLeod and our Honouary Walk Leader Rilla MacLean. Rollie lead the walk across the causeway to the weigh station near Auld's Cove and as usual the weather cooperated with a light drizzle of rain as we returned to the Cape Breton side.
At the swing bridge there is a small isthmus of land where there is a lighthouse perched on a hill and a pioneer graveyard, where there is seven lonely gravesites of former settlers to this area. We had a short break in this area and when we entered the coast guard and DFO area Rollie and Lynda Kanne were interviewed by a local FM radio station.
We continued to the Trans Canada Trail/Ghost Beach portion of this event and by this time it began to rain; Rollie reminded everyone that this is a great beach and trail with a wonderful view of the mainland and the strait area on a more sunnier day.
Except for the rain everyone had a good time and many returned to the Port Hastings firehall for a cold plate dinner and then onto the official ceremonies and the official parade across the "Road to the Isle".
Sunday, 14th of August, 9am, Tanya MacNutt of the Central Nova Volkssport Club (CNVC)led 23 participants on a very nice 5-10k walk event along the boardwalks and beach at Pomquet Provincial Park.This is one of the hidden jewells of NS, the white sandy beach of this area had only four swimmers including the two lifeguards while we were there for our walk event.
My sincere Thanks to Tanya and Tom MacNutt for hosting this event on the mainland and then coming to our afternoon walk on Cape Breton at Craigmore.
At Craigmore we were hosted by Clare and Blaise MacNeil. Clare led us on another 10k beach walk (the mtn trail was cancelled due to a number of deadfalls along the trail) and Blaise led another group along the Ceilidh/Rail Trail for those who wanted a nice flat 1B trail.
After the walk event we had a BBQ/picnic where Lynda Kanne the Atlantic Area Director presented Bill and Shirley Boutilier with the 5 year Ron Colpitts award for exceptional volunteer work with volkssporting, along with the award Lynda read a letter from The CVF President Graham Fawcett thanking both for their time and effort in promoting The Island Hoppers and CVF.
Overall a great weekend of walking and socializing.
Fun, Fitness and Friendship
Saturday, July 30, 2005
AUGUST 13th and 14th Causeway Celebrations
WALK PROGRAM, HOTELS, ROOMS, Campsites, BBQ/Picnic, Pot Luck.
There's a lot going on at the Causeway this year during the 50th Anniversary of this most important "Road to the Isle".
Check out their website at:The Causeway
The 13th Of August (Saturday) we will start our walk at 10am, please register early 09:30am
The walk begins to the left of the Skye Motel, the property known as "Gut Of Canso Museum".
Please watch for our signs and follow the Parking attendants directions.
We will turn around near the weigh station and after crossing the bridge we will go into the lighthouse area for pictures then continue our event in behind the Coast Guard/DFO complex at the "locks" to the Trans Canada Trail and Ghost Beach.
The official Ceremonies for the Causeway begin at 2pm, there will be shuttle buses available, but please note this is not The Island Hoppers Responsibility; also note that I have published information on a previous post about a cold plate meal available at the Port Hasting Fire Hall, beginning at 11am.
If you are planning on going to Port Hawkesbury and Port Hasting for the weekend, please be advised that everything in the area is booked solid for the 12-14 of August (motels, cabins and B&Bs).
There are places still available in Antigonish for the weekend:
The Claymore ($125) and Coastal Inn ($75)
The checkinns number for NS is 1-800-565-0000.
Saint Francis Xavier University is also available for the weekend as Rollie & Ann have booked a room at a reasonable price.
The phone number is 1-902-867-2855 or
If you planned to do the Pomquet walk on Sunday morning, then Antigonish would be convenient for you.
The Pomquet Beach Walk starts at 9:00am, Sunday 14 of August
This walk is hosted by the Central Nova Volkssport Club and the Walk Leader is Tanya MacNutt.
From Hwy 104, take Pomquet exit. Turn left at Pomquet Beach Rd. sign. Drive 3.5k to Pomquet Provincial Beach sign (turn right), continue to parking lot to SP.
This is a 5/10k, Rated 1B
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers will host a walk event on Sunday afternoon (14th of August) at 1:00pm
Creignish Mountain Trail, from Port Hastings follow Hwy 19N, approx 10-15min. to Craigmore, house #3086, home of Clare & Blaise McNeil who will also be our walk leaders for this event.
This is a GW, 10k, 3C event.
Blaise & Clare will also host our Annual BBQ and Potluck immediately after this walk event and if you need a camping spot please contact Clare at 1-902-625-2899, she maybe able to assist you in this regard as well.
The weather will be great!! Let Us Pray.
There's a lot going on at the Causeway this year during the 50th Anniversary of this most important "Road to the Isle".
Check out their website at:The Causeway
The 13th Of August (Saturday) we will start our walk at 10am, please register early 09:30am
The walk begins to the left of the Skye Motel, the property known as "Gut Of Canso Museum".
Please watch for our signs and follow the Parking attendants directions.
We will turn around near the weigh station and after crossing the bridge we will go into the lighthouse area for pictures then continue our event in behind the Coast Guard/DFO complex at the "locks" to the Trans Canada Trail and Ghost Beach.
The official Ceremonies for the Causeway begin at 2pm, there will be shuttle buses available, but please note this is not The Island Hoppers Responsibility; also note that I have published information on a previous post about a cold plate meal available at the Port Hasting Fire Hall, beginning at 11am.
If you are planning on going to Port Hawkesbury and Port Hasting for the weekend, please be advised that everything in the area is booked solid for the 12-14 of August (motels, cabins and B&Bs).
There are places still available in Antigonish for the weekend:
The Claymore ($125) and Coastal Inn ($75)
The checkinns number for NS is 1-800-565-0000.
Saint Francis Xavier University is also available for the weekend as Rollie & Ann have booked a room at a reasonable price.
The phone number is 1-902-867-2855 or
If you planned to do the Pomquet walk on Sunday morning, then Antigonish would be convenient for you.
The Pomquet Beach Walk starts at 9:00am, Sunday 14 of August
This walk is hosted by the Central Nova Volkssport Club and the Walk Leader is Tanya MacNutt.
From Hwy 104, take Pomquet exit. Turn left at Pomquet Beach Rd. sign. Drive 3.5k to Pomquet Provincial Beach sign (turn right), continue to parking lot to SP.
This is a 5/10k, Rated 1B
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers will host a walk event on Sunday afternoon (14th of August) at 1:00pm
Creignish Mountain Trail, from Port Hastings follow Hwy 19N, approx 10-15min. to Craigmore, house #3086, home of Clare & Blaise McNeil who will also be our walk leaders for this event.
This is a GW, 10k, 3C event.
Blaise & Clare will also host our Annual BBQ and Potluck immediately after this walk event and if you need a camping spot please contact Clare at 1-902-625-2899, she maybe able to assist you in this regard as well.
This is a lot of work for one couple and I want to thank them for their efforts, please show your support, show up for the walk and check with the Ways and Means Committee if you can bring something or help in some way. This is part of the Fun of volkssporting and meeting and associating with old walking friends.
The weather will be great!! Let Us Pray.
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
The Chebucto Hiking Club invite all volksmarchers to a hiking adventure in Gros Morne National Park, 24-28 August 2005.
Fives Days Of Hiking in Gros Morne National park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The hikes are scheduled so that there is ample time to enjoy the cultural and other activities in the area.
The Walk Schedule in Brief:
24 Aug - 2p.m. Baker Brook Falls Trail - 10k - R-2B
25 Aug - 10a.m. James Callaghan Trail - 10k - R-3C or 16k - 4D
26 Aug - 10a.m Lookout Trail - 5k - R-3C
26 Aug - 1p.m. Trout River Pond Trail - 15k - R-3C
27 Aug - 10a.m. Western Brook Pond/ Snug Harbour Trail - 7/15k - R-2B
28 Aug - 10a.m. Green Garden Trail - 10k - R-3C or 16k - R-4C
There will be a banquet, a three course turkey dinner, 7pm on Saturday, 27 August at the Ocean View Motel
Details of this event are in a brochure that I have distributed at our walk events.
you can also contact:
Gerry Everard
c/o Chebucti Hiking Club,
PO Box 26018, Portland Street Market R.P.O.
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 6P3
Or email:
For Further details contact:
Judy Everard, President
Chebucto Hiking Club
Fun, Fitness, & Friendship for all volksmarchers.
Fives Days Of Hiking in Gros Morne National park - a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
The hikes are scheduled so that there is ample time to enjoy the cultural and other activities in the area.
The Walk Schedule in Brief:
24 Aug - 2p.m. Baker Brook Falls Trail - 10k - R-2B
25 Aug - 10a.m. James Callaghan Trail - 10k - R-3C or 16k - 4D
26 Aug - 10a.m Lookout Trail - 5k - R-3C
26 Aug - 1p.m. Trout River Pond Trail - 15k - R-3C
27 Aug - 10a.m. Western Brook Pond/ Snug Harbour Trail - 7/15k - R-2B
28 Aug - 10a.m. Green Garden Trail - 10k - R-3C or 16k - R-4C
There will be a banquet, a three course turkey dinner, 7pm on Saturday, 27 August at the Ocean View Motel
Details of this event are in a brochure that I have distributed at our walk events.
you can also contact:
Gerry Everard
c/o Chebucti Hiking Club,
PO Box 26018, Portland Street Market R.P.O.
Dartmouth, NS
B2W 6P3
Or email:
For Further details contact:
Judy Everard, President
Chebucto Hiking Club
Fun, Fitness, & Friendship for all volksmarchers.
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Our first open meeting to help plan the 2006 schedule was held at the radar base on the Lingan Road.
My thanks to Barb and Cal Thistle, for arranging to have this facility opened for us.
Thank you, to all those who brought a small tray of sandwiches and sweets.
This was our first try at having an open meeting to help plan the schedule for the next year; I felt it was a reasonable success and a lot of good suggestions were passed onto me and the walk committee to help with the final schedule.
My objective was to get suggestions of where you the members want to walk next year.
WE got off to a slow start with trying to fill in the entire year within a 2 hour period; therefore we settled on trails suggested by the membership and the Walk Committee will fill in the blanks as it were; hopefully this will meet with everyones approval.
The walk committee will be opened for any other new trails that you feel we should try in the next year. "Your suggestions and opinions are important to us and your fellow club members".
Thank You to all who gave up their Sunday afternoon, your interest shows that the club has a continuing future here on the Island.
Little time was spent on talking about bringing the CVF's Annual General Meeting and Convention to Cape Breton in 2008, however a brief on the subject was passed out to the attending members, if you would like a copy please let me know and I can either email an attachment or have copies available at the next walk event.
Grand River Falls and Fish Ladders
July 31 at 2pm, registration begins at 1:30pm
Walk Leader: Rollie Coombes, 849-0747
Guided Walk 11k,Rated 2C
See our Calendar of Events for directions and watch for clubs <-Volkssport signs
CHANGE TO START POINT, 13 August, Canso Causeway Walk Event
Due to the many activities and limited parking at the original Start Point, The Tourist Info Centre Port Hastings we are forced to move our registration Point.
1. Parking will be available near the green space to the east of the Skye
Lodge in the village of Port Hastings. Go down the steep gravel hill (by the
sewage pumping station) and park on the left side of the road (that runs
parallel to the railroad track) to exit back onto the highway by the second
2. We will try to reserve that area specifically for Volkssport people
but advise coming early (by 9:00 am to 9:30 am).
Volkssport signs will be placed at the entrance 09:00.
3. There is no charge for parking although The Port Hastings Historical
Society is a NFP organization trying to raise money for a new museum. Visit
our Gut of Canso Museum on Church Street just across the road from the green
area. There is a picture of Ole Olsen and Helene Veil with some Cape Breton Island
Hoppers at the Causeway in the Crossing for a Cause display.
4. The Port Hastings Historical Society is having a cold plate dinner at
the Fire Hall from 11:00 am until they run out. The cost is $10 for potato
salad, ham, tomato, cucumber, roll and dessert.
5. Some members of the Society are concerned about safety if you park on
the green area, There are some large rocks and old foundations that could
present some problems. Also they don't want any parking there if the grass
is wet. Finally, there will not be someone there all day, just for awhile in
the morning.
6. The Re-enactment will start at 2:00 pm from the mainland to Cape
Breton. Before 2:00 pm a parade of about 100 1950's era cars will drive
across the causeway. About 300 pipers and drummers will march across after
the ribbon is cut at 2 pm followed by dignitaries and invited guests. At 3
pm on the canal site, the official ceremony with speakers will be held.
7. On Saturday, there will be tours of the Cape Porcupine Quarry site in
Aulds Cove, Quilt Display at St. David's church in Port Hastings, and Canso
Canal tours.
If you have any questions call Rilla at 625-2411.
Our first open meeting to help plan the 2006 schedule was held at the radar base on the Lingan Road.
My thanks to Barb and Cal Thistle, for arranging to have this facility opened for us.
Thank you, to all those who brought a small tray of sandwiches and sweets.
This was our first try at having an open meeting to help plan the schedule for the next year; I felt it was a reasonable success and a lot of good suggestions were passed onto me and the walk committee to help with the final schedule.
My objective was to get suggestions of where you the members want to walk next year.
WE got off to a slow start with trying to fill in the entire year within a 2 hour period; therefore we settled on trails suggested by the membership and the Walk Committee will fill in the blanks as it were; hopefully this will meet with everyones approval.
The walk committee will be opened for any other new trails that you feel we should try in the next year. "Your suggestions and opinions are important to us and your fellow club members".
Thank You to all who gave up their Sunday afternoon, your interest shows that the club has a continuing future here on the Island.
Little time was spent on talking about bringing the CVF's Annual General Meeting and Convention to Cape Breton in 2008, however a brief on the subject was passed out to the attending members, if you would like a copy please let me know and I can either email an attachment or have copies available at the next walk event.
Grand River Falls and Fish Ladders
July 31 at 2pm, registration begins at 1:30pm
Walk Leader: Rollie Coombes, 849-0747
Guided Walk 11k,Rated 2C
See our Calendar of Events for directions and watch for clubs <-Volkssport signs
CHANGE TO START POINT, 13 August, Canso Causeway Walk Event
Due to the many activities and limited parking at the original Start Point, The Tourist Info Centre Port Hastings we are forced to move our registration Point.
1. Parking will be available near the green space to the east of the Skye
Lodge in the village of Port Hastings. Go down the steep gravel hill (by the
sewage pumping station) and park on the left side of the road (that runs
parallel to the railroad track) to exit back onto the highway by the second
2. We will try to reserve that area specifically for Volkssport people
but advise coming early (by 9:00 am to 9:30 am).
Volkssport signs will be placed at the entrance 09:00.
3. There is no charge for parking although The Port Hastings Historical
Society is a NFP organization trying to raise money for a new museum. Visit
our Gut of Canso Museum on Church Street just across the road from the green
area. There is a picture of Ole Olsen and Helene Veil with some Cape Breton Island
Hoppers at the Causeway in the Crossing for a Cause display.
4. The Port Hastings Historical Society is having a cold plate dinner at
the Fire Hall from 11:00 am until they run out. The cost is $10 for potato
salad, ham, tomato, cucumber, roll and dessert.
5. Some members of the Society are concerned about safety if you park on
the green area, There are some large rocks and old foundations that could
present some problems. Also they don't want any parking there if the grass
is wet. Finally, there will not be someone there all day, just for awhile in
the morning.
6. The Re-enactment will start at 2:00 pm from the mainland to Cape
Breton. Before 2:00 pm a parade of about 100 1950's era cars will drive
across the causeway. About 300 pipers and drummers will march across after
the ribbon is cut at 2 pm followed by dignitaries and invited guests. At 3
pm on the canal site, the official ceremony with speakers will be held.
7. On Saturday, there will be tours of the Cape Porcupine Quarry site in
Aulds Cove, Quilt Display at St. David's church in Port Hastings, and Canso
Canal tours.
If you have any questions call Rilla at 625-2411.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
The Ways & Means Committee chaired by Barb Thistle have announced that they will hold a BBQ on top of Cape Smokey immediately after our Walk Event on Sunday, 17 of July, at minimal cost.
Special needs diets please bring your own and "Cal the Cook" I am sure will let you use his grill.
Members are asked to bring a very small sweet tray and the Ways and Means will look after the rest.
Hope to see you all at the Top Of Smokey at 1:30pm for registration.
RADAR BASE, Schooner Curling Club
This is an open meeting for all club members to discuss the 2006 walk schedule
In the past we have allowed the president and walk committee chair to set the schedule, of course they will still do that but your input as a member would be most appreciated and welcomed. There will be coffee/tea and sandwiches available.
Special needs diets please bring your own and "Cal the Cook" I am sure will let you use his grill.
Members are asked to bring a very small sweet tray and the Ways and Means will look after the rest.
Hope to see you all at the Top Of Smokey at 1:30pm for registration.
RADAR BASE, Schooner Curling Club
This is an open meeting for all club members to discuss the 2006 walk schedule
In the past we have allowed the president and walk committee chair to set the schedule, of course they will still do that but your input as a member would be most appreciated and welcomed. There will be coffee/tea and sandwiches available.
Tuesday, July 12, 2005

The Canadian Volkssport Federation (CVF) has instituted Lighthouse Walks across Canada for 2006.
Lighthouse Walks will be Year Round Events (YREs) or Seasonals (any type);
Walks must pass lighthouses that were or are the responsibility of the Canadian Coast Guard;
Lighthouse walks will be identified in Footpaths/Sentiers 2006;
A fee of $3 will be charged at time of application;
Application will be made to the CVF office;
A lighthouse pin and documents will be sent to the walker at time of application;
There will be Three Award Levels:
Any 6 lighthouse walks - Certificate as Assistant Lighthouse Keeper
8 lighthouse walks, with at least 2 from each coast - Certificate as Lighthouse Keeper
12 Lighthouse walks, with at least 4 from each coast - Certificate as Superintendent of lights.
My intentions for this program is to submit our Louisbourg and Baddeck YREs.
New brochures and applications for both YREs will be submitted to the CVF when we reapply for our Year Round Events, plus a new logo to represent these lighthouses will appear on the related documents.
-Leg Rash in the Heat -
The Following article was submitted by Ann and Phil Irons,the original article was taken from the walklist group program and is passed on for information only.
Leg Rash in the Heat - Golfer's Vasculitis
The common heat leg rash now has a name
Go to any multi-day walking event in the summer and you will see it - a red leg rash on the calves of many walkers. Often it starts above the sock line and makes red patches and splotches up their calves. It usually doesn't itch. We believe it is a heat-related leg rash as these same walkers don't get it in cooler weather.
What is it?
Golfer's Vasculitis
Ask most physicians about this common rash and they draw a blank. That is probably due to few people seeking medical help for it. By the time they got a doctor's appointment, it would have cleared up, as it commonly goes away in a couple of days. At last, a paper in the "Australasian Journal of Dermatology" has described it and proposed naming it "Golfer's vasculitis."
Causes of the Heat Leg Rash:
The research article said many people underwent extensive allergy testing, believing they must be having a reaction to some chemical or plant.
But it is simply an irritation of the blood vessels following prolonged exercise in the heat, such as walking for extended periods or playing 18 holes of golf. It is more common in people over 50. In my experience, walkers can't pinpoint anything new they used that may be causing a reaction. And so many walkers have it that they couldn't all have contacted the same irritant. The source is simply heat and age, your leg blood vessels getting irritated from the heat.
The research offered no treatment or prevention. It seems to occur in healthy, active people and they suggest it should not be a health concern. They recommend not getting allergy testing, etc.
Other Heat Rashes
Heat Rash - Prickly Heat
Unlike Golfer's vasculitis, prickly heat is itchy.It is caused by blocked sweat glands, and causes raised itchy red dots or bumps.It is best treated by getting out of the heat for a few days, and not scratching.
Itchy Legs Syndrome
If your legs are itchy during or after exercise, with no relation to heat, you may have exercise urticaria.
Leg Rash in the Heat - Golfer's Vasculitis
The common heat leg rash now has a name
Go to any multi-day walking event in the summer and you will see it - a red leg rash on the calves of many walkers. Often it starts above the sock line and makes red patches and splotches up their calves. It usually doesn't itch. We believe it is a heat-related leg rash as these same walkers don't get it in cooler weather.
What is it?
Golfer's Vasculitis
Ask most physicians about this common rash and they draw a blank. That is probably due to few people seeking medical help for it. By the time they got a doctor's appointment, it would have cleared up, as it commonly goes away in a couple of days. At last, a paper in the "Australasian Journal of Dermatology" has described it and proposed naming it "Golfer's vasculitis."
Causes of the Heat Leg Rash:
The research article said many people underwent extensive allergy testing, believing they must be having a reaction to some chemical or plant.
But it is simply an irritation of the blood vessels following prolonged exercise in the heat, such as walking for extended periods or playing 18 holes of golf. It is more common in people over 50. In my experience, walkers can't pinpoint anything new they used that may be causing a reaction. And so many walkers have it that they couldn't all have contacted the same irritant. The source is simply heat and age, your leg blood vessels getting irritated from the heat.
The research offered no treatment or prevention. It seems to occur in healthy, active people and they suggest it should not be a health concern. They recommend not getting allergy testing, etc.
In my non-medical experience at Breast Cancer 3-Day Walks and walking conventions, this rash appears on a vast range of walkers and commonly goes away by itself after a few days. Pampering yourself after a good day's long walk with a cool bath, sitting with your feet up, or using cool wet towels on the rash areas may be relieving.
Other Heat Rashes
Heat Rash - Prickly Heat
Unlike Golfer's vasculitis, prickly heat is itchy.It is caused by blocked sweat glands, and causes raised itchy red dots or bumps.It is best treated by getting out of the heat for a few days, and not scratching.
Itchy Legs Syndrome
If your legs are itchy during or after exercise, with no relation to heat, you may have exercise urticaria.
So now we have a name(s) for all that itching and scratching on the trail.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Please check out this fairly new association which I believe that we can work with to promote our club, volkssporting plus tourism and the trails of Cape Breton.
I have linked our pages to their site and in turn we are linked to PATHWAYS as well.
We will be registered as members in the very near future, you can read about the advantages of membership on their site.
Our next Walk Event is 17 July at Cape Smokey, start time is 2pm, registration 1:30pm
I have linked our pages to their site and in turn we are linked to PATHWAYS as well.
We will be registered as members in the very near future, you can read about the advantages of membership on their site.
Our next Walk Event is 17 July at Cape Smokey, start time is 2pm, registration 1:30pm
Louisbourg Lighthouse

Our theme for this year is Cape Breton Lighthouses, here is a photo of the light at Louisbourg.
In 2006 The Atlantic Area will feature Lighthouse Walks in conjunction with the Year Round Events and we will be submitting Louisbourg as our contribution to these Events; more details will be featured on a later post to this website.
01 July 2005, Canada Day

Thank you Barb and Cal Thistle for the work you did on the walk event at Petersfield Provincial Park.
If anyone has an updated photo, please send it to me and I will publish it ASAP.
My apologies to Barb and Cal for not being able to attend this walk.
Hope to see you all on the 17th of July at 1330 hrs at Cape Smokey for an 11k walk/hike; be prepared carry lots of water, good hiking boots, sun block, INSECT REPELLANT.
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Canada Day Walk and Previous Walks For June
Check Your Schedule For 01 July 2005 at 0900am, CANADA DAY WALK EVENT.
Petersfield Provincial Park in Westmount.
The walk leaders for this event will be Barb and Cal Thistle; wear something red or a canadian symbol, check out last years Trail Photos on the proper dress code for this special event; Barb and Cal know how to dress for this special day!!
Come out and have fun, there is a community picnic, games and displays, local veterans will be honoured on this day, sponsored by the Westmount Canada Day Committee.
There were 16 walkers at our last walk, Sunday,June 26th, in Point Aconi, this turned out to be a very pleasant walk, the weather was great, the start point was at the former DEVCO Prince Mine entrance gate, this was the last working underground coal mine on the island.
Bill Boutilier lead the walk and we got to see a close up view of the Point Aconi Power Plant, then proceeded down a country road, more of a trail then a road, a walk into a well hidden but great beach. During the walk we also got a view of the area that may or may not be used as a strip mine for coal, though there is the remanants of a former strip mine that is slowly beginning to heal as scare would upon flesh.
The highlight of the walk was the view from the Point Aconi lighthouse, the Bird Islands stand out off the coast and Cape Smokey could be seen in the far distance and we could see the Newfoundland ferry approaching North Sydney and a flottila of local fishing boats.!!
Normally I would like too put the same walk on again the following year, however we have the problem of not knowing if the area that we travelled on today will be there next year as there is a mining consortium wanting to re-establish a strip mine in this area. During this walk we encountered a small group who are trying to Stop Strip Mine in Point Aconi. They pointed out the area to be mined, the country side here would be devastated, the trail/walk would be ruined!!
I wish this group, my personal (Stop Strip Mine)the best of luck, though each of you are entitled to your own opinion as well.
We have made it a policy not to get political or walk for causes, each of us can do what we feel is correct for our community.
Our walk at Long Point Provincial Park, Sunday, 12th of June was led by Jim McLean, though we had to move the start point to Walkers Cove Road, as the trail at Long Point which leads into the Ceilidh Trail(Trans Canada Trail system)was in very rough shape; work is being carried out on the trail so there are many deadfalls and a water course.
At Walkers Cove Road we departed with 12 walkers and had a great view of the ocean and the Nova Scotia mainland, lots of great homes along the trail, at the 5k turn around point the clouds opened up and we experienced heavy rains on the way back, however all those who attended this walk were happy to have done this part of the trail and we had done it on full stomachs as all had attended the turkey dinner at the Creignish hall before the walk.
Volksmarchers and food seem to go well together!
Thank You Jim for a great walk, not to much you can do about the weather....
The above quote was taken from Lynda Kannes, e-mail signature block; do you have anything similiar you would like to share with us on this site?
The last word about Elizabeth Nifort, she is good and MAY be transfered to a ward in the next few days if all goes well. Flowers and a card were sent on behalf of the club.
Our friend Lionel Conrad will in his words, "go under the knife", continious knee problems.
FROM THE PRESIDENT and on behalf of the CHAIR OF THE WALK COMMITTEE: The schedule for 2006 is being prepared, the club members are asked to submit any new walks/trails you feel should be considered for next years events.
Petersfield Provincial Park in Westmount.
The walk leaders for this event will be Barb and Cal Thistle; wear something red or a canadian symbol, check out last years Trail Photos on the proper dress code for this special event; Barb and Cal know how to dress for this special day!!
Come out and have fun, there is a community picnic, games and displays, local veterans will be honoured on this day, sponsored by the Westmount Canada Day Committee.
There were 16 walkers at our last walk, Sunday,June 26th, in Point Aconi, this turned out to be a very pleasant walk, the weather was great, the start point was at the former DEVCO Prince Mine entrance gate, this was the last working underground coal mine on the island.
Bill Boutilier lead the walk and we got to see a close up view of the Point Aconi Power Plant, then proceeded down a country road, more of a trail then a road, a walk into a well hidden but great beach. During the walk we also got a view of the area that may or may not be used as a strip mine for coal, though there is the remanants of a former strip mine that is slowly beginning to heal as scare would upon flesh.
The highlight of the walk was the view from the Point Aconi lighthouse, the Bird Islands stand out off the coast and Cape Smokey could be seen in the far distance and we could see the Newfoundland ferry approaching North Sydney and a flottila of local fishing boats.!!
Normally I would like too put the same walk on again the following year, however we have the problem of not knowing if the area that we travelled on today will be there next year as there is a mining consortium wanting to re-establish a strip mine in this area. During this walk we encountered a small group who are trying to Stop Strip Mine in Point Aconi. They pointed out the area to be mined, the country side here would be devastated, the trail/walk would be ruined!!
I wish this group, my personal (Stop Strip Mine)the best of luck, though each of you are entitled to your own opinion as well.
We have made it a policy not to get political or walk for causes, each of us can do what we feel is correct for our community.
Our walk at Long Point Provincial Park, Sunday, 12th of June was led by Jim McLean, though we had to move the start point to Walkers Cove Road, as the trail at Long Point which leads into the Ceilidh Trail(Trans Canada Trail system)was in very rough shape; work is being carried out on the trail so there are many deadfalls and a water course.
At Walkers Cove Road we departed with 12 walkers and had a great view of the ocean and the Nova Scotia mainland, lots of great homes along the trail, at the 5k turn around point the clouds opened up and we experienced heavy rains on the way back, however all those who attended this walk were happy to have done this part of the trail and we had done it on full stomachs as all had attended the turkey dinner at the Creignish hall before the walk.
Volksmarchers and food seem to go well together!
Thank You Jim for a great walk, not to much you can do about the weather....
There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country.
A fine landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken
at the right tempo. Even a bicycle goes too fast.
- Paul Scott Mowrer
The above quote was taken from Lynda Kannes, e-mail signature block; do you have anything similiar you would like to share with us on this site?
The last word about Elizabeth Nifort, she is good and MAY be transfered to a ward in the next few days if all goes well. Flowers and a card were sent on behalf of the club.
Our friend Lionel Conrad will in his words, "go under the knife", continious knee problems.
FROM THE PRESIDENT and on behalf of the CHAIR OF THE WALK COMMITTEE: The schedule for 2006 is being prepared, the club members are asked to submit any new walks/trails you feel should be considered for next years events.
Come on folks get involved its your club too!!
Saturday, June 18, 2005
and its almost Time to Clip the "+" Sign:
Its hard to believe that we are soon going into the second half of our 2005 schedule; on or about the 30th of June, we will be taking the plus sign "+" off the Year Round Events (YRE's) stamps. If you have not done a YRE this year you only have a short time to get out and do the five YRE walks with the "+" sign.
The IVV rules, for the YRE's, allow only one stamp for each walk event in your "Event Book" however for the year round events you may stamp your book twice a year, once with the "+" plus sign before the 30th of June each year and then you may stamp again on or after 1st of July without the "+" sign.
PLEASE NOTE: The group walk in Glace Bay on the 22nd of May was not a Year Round Event, therefore if you have not walked our Glace Bay YRE, you still have time to stamp your EVENT BOOK with the "+" sign and then walk again on or after 01 July.
Don't forget that those of you who have been frequent walkers, using our YRE's should have paid $2.00 at the start of the year and then only $1.00 thereafter when and if you are stamping your Distance Book.
THERE IS NO LIMIT ON THE STAMPING OF DISTANCE BOOKS, as long as you do the walk and register, put your $1.00 in the envelope, keep on stamping as you see fit.
At the beginning of the second term on or after the 1st of July you are asked to again put $2.00 in the envelopes provided and $1.00 thereafter for the distance (no limit on distance) stamp each time you walk the respective Event.
The Year Round Events are sanctioned by the Canadian Volkssport Federation and the IVV at a cost of $100.00 each to the club plus $10.00 for insurance, we have 5 YRE's on the Island at a grand total of $550.00.
Your donations of $1 & $2 and those of our volkssporting visitors to the island help to defer this cost and allows your club to continue to operate as a non profit organization.
There will be a $2.00 increase in the insurance rate , beginning 01 January, 2006 which is reflected in the price above for our Year Round Events. This will also effect our Guided Walks (GW's), we will now be paying a total of $40.00 for all of these sanctioned walks as well.
Its hard to believe that we are soon going into the second half of our 2005 schedule; on or about the 30th of June, we will be taking the plus sign "+" off the Year Round Events (YRE's) stamps. If you have not done a YRE this year you only have a short time to get out and do the five YRE walks with the "+" sign.
The IVV rules, for the YRE's, allow only one stamp for each walk event in your "Event Book" however for the year round events you may stamp your book twice a year, once with the "+" plus sign before the 30th of June each year and then you may stamp again on or after 1st of July without the "+" sign.
PLEASE NOTE: The group walk in Glace Bay on the 22nd of May was not a Year Round Event, therefore if you have not walked our Glace Bay YRE, you still have time to stamp your EVENT BOOK with the "+" sign and then walk again on or after 01 July.
Don't forget that those of you who have been frequent walkers, using our YRE's should have paid $2.00 at the start of the year and then only $1.00 thereafter when and if you are stamping your Distance Book.
THERE IS NO LIMIT ON THE STAMPING OF DISTANCE BOOKS, as long as you do the walk and register, put your $1.00 in the envelope, keep on stamping as you see fit.
At the beginning of the second term on or after the 1st of July you are asked to again put $2.00 in the envelopes provided and $1.00 thereafter for the distance (no limit on distance) stamp each time you walk the respective Event.
The Year Round Events are sanctioned by the Canadian Volkssport Federation and the IVV at a cost of $100.00 each to the club plus $10.00 for insurance, we have 5 YRE's on the Island at a grand total of $550.00.
Your donations of $1 & $2 and those of our volkssporting visitors to the island help to defer this cost and allows your club to continue to operate as a non profit organization.
There will be a $2.00 increase in the insurance rate , beginning 01 January, 2006 which is reflected in the price above for our Year Round Events. This will also effect our Guided Walks (GW's), we will now be paying a total of $40.00 for all of these sanctioned walks as well.
Our Atlantic Director Lynda Kanne set up an information table at the seniors expo in Halifax and has sent the following messages outlining the results:
Hi everyone:
Just to let you all know that the Seniors Expo went well. We left there with very positive feelings. There were over 200 inquiries over the two day period. The main interest was in the Halifax/Dartmouth area although we did have several from the Valley area, Truro area, half a dozen from the Fundy area and eight people from various parts of Cape Breton mainly in the Port Hawkesbury area. Several schedules were handed out as well as information on who we are and what we do.
It would be very interesting to know how many new walkers show up at our walks that had heard about us through the Seniors Expo. Maybe over the next couple of months you could all ask them how they heard about Volkssporting and report back to me how many from the Expo.
I would like to give special thanks to Beth Moore and Sandy Bishop who came out to help on Friday afternoon and also to Roger Arsenault who did an excellent job of setting up on Thursday. Without their help I would have been doing it all by myself.
I am looking forward to doing it again next year and would like to have more help. So keep it in mind for the 2nd week in June 2006. Only a couple of hours of your time on the display and you are free to see the rest of the Expo and entertainment at no cost to you.
See you on the trails,
Lynda L Kanne
Atlantic Region Director
Canadian Volkssport Federation
There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country.
A fine landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken
at the right tempo. Even a bicycle goes too fast.
- Paul Scott Mowrer
Our Atlantic Director Lynda Kanne set up an information table at the seniors expo in Halifax and has sent the following messages outlining the results:
Hi everyone:
Just to let you all know that the Seniors Expo went well. We left there with very positive feelings. There were over 200 inquiries over the two day period. The main interest was in the Halifax/Dartmouth area although we did have several from the Valley area, Truro area, half a dozen from the Fundy area and eight people from various parts of Cape Breton mainly in the Port Hawkesbury area. Several schedules were handed out as well as information on who we are and what we do.
It would be very interesting to know how many new walkers show up at our walks that had heard about us through the Seniors Expo. Maybe over the next couple of months you could all ask them how they heard about Volkssporting and report back to me how many from the Expo.
I would like to give special thanks to Beth Moore and Sandy Bishop who came out to help on Friday afternoon and also to Roger Arsenault who did an excellent job of setting up on Thursday. Without their help I would have been doing it all by myself.
I am looking forward to doing it again next year and would like to have more help. So keep it in mind for the 2nd week in June 2006. Only a couple of hours of your time on the display and you are free to see the rest of the Expo and entertainment at no cost to you.
See you on the trails,
Lynda L Kanne
Atlantic Region Director
Canadian Volkssport Federation
There is nothing like walking to get the feel of a country.
A fine landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken
at the right tempo. Even a bicycle goes too fast.
- Paul Scott Mowrer
Thursday, June 16, 2005
New Brunswick's River Valley Trailblazers
The following message was sent by the President of the former Oromocto Volkssport Club, now known as The River Valley Trailblazers.
From Ray Mulholland:
River Valley Trailblazers
Ray MULHOLLAND, President
79 Waasis Farm Road
Waasis, NB-CANADA E3B 9A9
Note to myself:
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers have a 10th Anniversary in 2007 and I have been working on a "Proposal to bring the Canadian Volkssport Federations Annual General Meeting and Convention to Cape Breton" in 2008???
This is very discouraging, disheartening news when a club must cancel all of its 20th Anniversary Events!
From Ray Mulholland:
River Valley Trailblazers
Ray MULHOLLAND, President
79 Waasis Farm Road
Waasis, NB-CANADA E3B 9A9
Note to myself:
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers have a 10th Anniversary in 2007 and I have been working on a "Proposal to bring the Canadian Volkssport Federations Annual General Meeting and Convention to Cape Breton" in 2008???
Elizabeth Nifort, Dartmouth Volksmarch Club
A bit of sad and shocking news has been received from Lionel Conrod and passed onto our Area Director Lynda Kanne.
Elizabeth is well known to the Island Hoppers as she is the walk leader for most of the DVC walk events when they visit Cape Breton.
From Lionel: I thought I would wait until I had more details to tell you and also some good news to report.
Tuesday Report:
An unfortunate illness has fallen upon one of our most active and supportive Club members. Elizabeth Nifort suffered a brain aneurysm rupture on Monday. Elizabeth was about to visit her mother at Oakwood Terrace Nursing Home Monday morning and apparently was taken by the illness as she got out of her car; somebody spotted her and she was taken quickly to the Dartmouth General Hospital next door. Later, transferred to the Emergency at the VG - Infirmary site. Elizabeth was in the Operating Room for 8 hours, she is now responding to treatment but not out of danger. Absolutely no visitors, only immediate family members allowed. Elizabeth must get her rest and not be upset or excited in any manner during the next 8 or 9 days while in intensive care.
Close friends of Elizabeth, Tom and Hildegard Mahar, have passed the above information over to me. I was speaking with Hildegard again this evening after she had visited the hospital today. Elizabeth did open her eyes today and seemed to recognize Hildegard, she held out her hand and fell back to sleep. The surgeon is cautiously optimistic.
Wednesday Morning Report
The news from the hospital this morning has improved. Hildegard was speaking with the hospital staff this morning said that Elizabeth was eating a bit of Jell-O today and they indicated that Elizabeth was doing quite well.
Another member, who has contacts/relatives at the hospital, indicated that a "doctor friend" visited Elizabeth this morning. He told Elizabeth that her friends were concerned and Elizabeth said to say "hello". This doctor also looked at Elizabeth's charts and he thought the prognosis was good and when Elizabeth is out of ICU she could be receiving visitors.
NOTE: It is possible for a complete recovery after a brain aneurysm rupture.
Wednesday Afternoon Report
Hildegard Maher phoned Lionel after returning from a visit with Elizabeth at the hospital, with the following update:
Elizabeth is doing better than expected and may be out of ICU in a day or two. After that she will be allowed to have visitors. She is able to move all of her limbs, which is a good sign of a recovery. The nurse stated that Elizabeth responded to treatment very well and would probably sit her up in a chair today. Elizabeth was able to converse with Hildegard quite well and recalls seeing Hildegard last week. The staff have to wake Elizabeth every hour to ensure blood clots are not causing a problem.
Elizabeth is happy to know that Hildegard and Tom are looking after her little doggy. Hildegard was quite happy with her visit today.
Hopefully, we'll be able to pass on good news to you in a few days.
Please keep Elizabeth in your prayers.
Thanks to Lionel for keeping us up-to-date.
Lynda Kanne
On behalf of the Members and Executive of the Cape Breton Island Hoppers I would like to extend our best wishes to Elizabeth and a speedy recovery. We shall soon meet again, see you on the trail Elizabeth. Rollie
Elizabeth is well known to the Island Hoppers as she is the walk leader for most of the DVC walk events when they visit Cape Breton.
From Lionel: I thought I would wait until I had more details to tell you and also some good news to report.
Tuesday Report:
An unfortunate illness has fallen upon one of our most active and supportive Club members. Elizabeth Nifort suffered a brain aneurysm rupture on Monday. Elizabeth was about to visit her mother at Oakwood Terrace Nursing Home Monday morning and apparently was taken by the illness as she got out of her car; somebody spotted her and she was taken quickly to the Dartmouth General Hospital next door. Later, transferred to the Emergency at the VG - Infirmary site. Elizabeth was in the Operating Room for 8 hours, she is now responding to treatment but not out of danger. Absolutely no visitors, only immediate family members allowed. Elizabeth must get her rest and not be upset or excited in any manner during the next 8 or 9 days while in intensive care.
Close friends of Elizabeth, Tom and Hildegard Mahar, have passed the above information over to me. I was speaking with Hildegard again this evening after she had visited the hospital today. Elizabeth did open her eyes today and seemed to recognize Hildegard, she held out her hand and fell back to sleep. The surgeon is cautiously optimistic.
Wednesday Morning Report
The news from the hospital this morning has improved. Hildegard was speaking with the hospital staff this morning said that Elizabeth was eating a bit of Jell-O today and they indicated that Elizabeth was doing quite well.
Another member, who has contacts/relatives at the hospital, indicated that a "doctor friend" visited Elizabeth this morning. He told Elizabeth that her friends were concerned and Elizabeth said to say "hello". This doctor also looked at Elizabeth's charts and he thought the prognosis was good and when Elizabeth is out of ICU she could be receiving visitors.
NOTE: It is possible for a complete recovery after a brain aneurysm rupture.
Wednesday Afternoon Report
Hildegard Maher phoned Lionel after returning from a visit with Elizabeth at the hospital, with the following update:
Elizabeth is doing better than expected and may be out of ICU in a day or two. After that she will be allowed to have visitors. She is able to move all of her limbs, which is a good sign of a recovery. The nurse stated that Elizabeth responded to treatment very well and would probably sit her up in a chair today. Elizabeth was able to converse with Hildegard quite well and recalls seeing Hildegard last week. The staff have to wake Elizabeth every hour to ensure blood clots are not causing a problem.
Elizabeth is happy to know that Hildegard and Tom are looking after her little doggy. Hildegard was quite happy with her visit today.
Hopefully, we'll be able to pass on good news to you in a few days.
Please keep Elizabeth in your prayers.
Thanks to Lionel for keeping us up-to-date.
Lynda Kanne
On behalf of the Members and Executive of the Cape Breton Island Hoppers I would like to extend our best wishes to Elizabeth and a speedy recovery. We shall soon meet again, see you on the trail Elizabeth. Rollie
Thursday, June 09, 2005
The Ceilidh Coastal Trail walk event takes place at Long Point Provincial Park; not the Community Hall in Creignish as in previous walk events in this area. The provincial park is approx 8-10 Km further north on Hwy 19.
Our walk begins at 2PM and registration starts at 1:30 PM, on Sunday 12th of June, the walk leader is Jim McLean.
This is a Guided 10K Walk Event, Rated at 1B, a nice easy stroll for all ages and abilities, though Rilla tells me a little to rough for a wheelchair.
There is a Turkey dinner available at the Creignish Community Centre on Sunday as well, between 11:00 AM and 2:00pm for $10.00 p/p, this is not organized by our club nor do we take responsibility for the great food and hospitality of the Creignish group.
A further foot note to this event: This walk event is registered in the "Parks are for People" pamphlet that I have been passing out at our last two walks, if you would like a copy contact me on the walk, as I have registered several other walks that take place in NS Provincial Parks here on our island.
Lets have a good turn out and a great walk event!
Our walk begins at 2PM and registration starts at 1:30 PM, on Sunday 12th of June, the walk leader is Jim McLean.
This is a Guided 10K Walk Event, Rated at 1B, a nice easy stroll for all ages and abilities, though Rilla tells me a little to rough for a wheelchair.
There is a Turkey dinner available at the Creignish Community Centre on Sunday as well, between 11:00 AM and 2:00pm for $10.00 p/p, this is not organized by our club nor do we take responsibility for the great food and hospitality of the Creignish group.
A further foot note to this event: This walk event is registered in the "Parks are for People" pamphlet that I have been passing out at our last two walks, if you would like a copy contact me on the walk, as I have registered several other walks that take place in NS Provincial Parks here on our island.
Lets have a good turn out and a great walk event!
Saturday, June 04, 2005
LONG POINT, PROVINCIAL PARK on Sunday, June 12th at 2:00pm is the next walk event for the Cape Breton Island Hoppers with Jim McLean as our walk leader for this event.
Check our schedule of events for directions and if you want to participate in the annual dinner at Creignish we suggest you call the Community Centre for details, (902.625.1476).
Please note that our annual schedule of walk events and our Celtic Colours Walks are now on line.
My sincere thank you to Phil Irons for the work he has done in putting the schedule into our website.
Check our schedule of events for directions and if you want to participate in the annual dinner at Creignish we suggest you call the Community Centre for details, (902.625.1476).
The Walk Committee nor the club president cannot be held responsible for the dinner or any changes that have occured since the publication of our walk schedule!
Please note that our annual schedule of walk events and our Celtic Colours Walks are now on line.
My sincere thank you to Phil Irons for the work he has done in putting the schedule into our website.
The Island Hoppers started out on the Trans Canada Trail at 10:00am, Saturday, 4th of June 05 with 16 participants.
We had great walking weather, not to hot, a cloudy day with a cool breeze that kept the men from sweating and the lady walkers from perspiring!
This was a separate IVV sanctioned event from our North Sydney, Year Round Event and the walkers had a choice to complete a 5, 10 or 15K walk.
The far end of this trail is a portion of the route that we (Island Hoppers) have neglected over the years but one that we will remedy in the schedule for 2006.
Isabel and Robin Grant, our walk leaders for todays event, are already planning a new walk for next year starting at Georges River so that we can enjoy a stroll along the Scotch Lake portion of the trail.
We had great walking weather, not to hot, a cloudy day with a cool breeze that kept the men from sweating and the lady walkers from perspiring!
This was a separate IVV sanctioned event from our North Sydney, Year Round Event and the walkers had a choice to complete a 5, 10 or 15K walk.
The far end of this trail is a portion of the route that we (Island Hoppers) have neglected over the years but one that we will remedy in the schedule for 2006.
Isabel and Robin Grant, our walk leaders for todays event, are already planning a new walk for next year starting at Georges River so that we can enjoy a stroll along the Scotch Lake portion of the trail.
Monday, May 23, 2005
The rain that was forecast for todays walk held off and the 31 walkers from The Island Hoppers didn't seem to mind the slightly cold breeze coming off the North Atlantic as we made our way along the Glace Bay coastline.
The weather conditions improved as we continued on into the harbour area and through Renwick Brook and Queen Elizabeth Parks.
We made several stops to view some of the highlights of the walk such as the bird sanctuary at the end of South Street, a group photo in the Renwick Brook area and a quick view of the McLauchlin Memorial at the corner of Brookside and Commercial Streets.
After the walk event we enjoyed a dinner with light and fun conversation at the Glace Bay Miner's Restaurant.
Everyone seemed to enjoy their meals and the staff at the restaurant should be commended for their patience and professionalism in the manner in which we were served.
Several members of the club commented that we should be doing this more often after our walk events and I certainly will agree to this as well.
During the Dinner
There is still some reluctance or hesitation from the membership to commit to bringing the 2008 Canadian Volkssport Federation's Annual General Meeting/ Convention to the Island; with this in mind I will be going to Quebec City for the 2005 convention and will try to bring back as much information as I possibly can and in the meantime I will start developing a presentation to present to you the members explaining the requirements of a convention. I will not committ the club to this event unless we have an official vote on the matter at our own General Meeting later this year; The conventions for 06 and 07 are already committed, Vancouver and St Alberts so I believe their is plenty of time for further planning.
It was also a great day to welcome back Bill and Shirley Boutilier also in attendance were Kathi and Phil Rice our clubs only international members. What a day to start walking again!!
Hope to see you all on the trail again on SATURDAY, JUNE 04 at 10 AM, Old Branch Road/Trail North Sydney.
The weather conditions improved as we continued on into the harbour area and through Renwick Brook and Queen Elizabeth Parks.
We made several stops to view some of the highlights of the walk such as the bird sanctuary at the end of South Street, a group photo in the Renwick Brook area and a quick view of the McLauchlin Memorial at the corner of Brookside and Commercial Streets.
After the walk event we enjoyed a dinner with light and fun conversation at the Glace Bay Miner's Restaurant.
Everyone seemed to enjoy their meals and the staff at the restaurant should be commended for their patience and professionalism in the manner in which we were served.
Several members of the club commented that we should be doing this more often after our walk events and I certainly will agree to this as well.
During the Dinner
I asked the Members if they would support my efforts to bring the CVF Convention to Cape Breton and/or should I persue the matter while in Quebec City during this years convention!
There is still some reluctance or hesitation from the membership to commit to bringing the 2008 Canadian Volkssport Federation's Annual General Meeting/ Convention to the Island; with this in mind I will be going to Quebec City for the 2005 convention and will try to bring back as much information as I possibly can and in the meantime I will start developing a presentation to present to you the members explaining the requirements of a convention. I will not committ the club to this event unless we have an official vote on the matter at our own General Meeting later this year; The conventions for 06 and 07 are already committed, Vancouver and St Alberts so I believe their is plenty of time for further planning.
It was also a great day to welcome back Bill and Shirley Boutilier also in attendance were Kathi and Phil Rice our clubs only international members. What a day to start walking again!!
Hope to see you all on the trail again on SATURDAY, JUNE 04 at 10 AM, Old Branch Road/Trail North Sydney.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Glace Bay Walk, RAIN or SUNSHINE:
The restaurant is booked, the staff are waiting, the trail has been selected, the trail/walk leader is anxious to get going and all is ready for your arrival on Sunday 22 May,2005
Just a friendlly reminder that the Walk in Glace Bay Starts and Ends at The Glace Bay Miners Museum off South Street, Birkely to Museum Street.
Please Use The parking lot on the Right off Birkely Street
Registration begins at 1:30pm, walk starts at 2:00pm
This is a new IVV stamp for this occassion and is a 10K event, we will be using portions of our Glace Bay YRE.
After the walk event I would like a few minutes to talk about the AGM/convention in Quebec City and a possible future plan to bring the convention to CBRM in 2008.
The Dinner begins at 5:00pm, the Miners Restaurant is located in the Miners Village next door to the museum.
If you have not registered and would like to do so, please contact me by email or leave a message with my answering service. There is limited space availability and as of this message there are 34 registered for the dinner and walk.
If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns about the club please talk to me on the trail or anytime.
Walking for the health of it!
The restaurant is booked, the staff are waiting, the trail has been selected, the trail/walk leader is anxious to get going and all is ready for your arrival on Sunday 22 May,2005
Just a friendlly reminder that the Walk in Glace Bay Starts and Ends at The Glace Bay Miners Museum off South Street, Birkely to Museum Street.
Please Use The parking lot on the Right off Birkely Street
Registration begins at 1:30pm, walk starts at 2:00pm
This is a new IVV stamp for this occassion and is a 10K event, we will be using portions of our Glace Bay YRE.
After the walk event I would like a few minutes to talk about the AGM/convention in Quebec City and a possible future plan to bring the convention to CBRM in 2008.
The Dinner begins at 5:00pm, the Miners Restaurant is located in the Miners Village next door to the museum.
If you have not registered and would like to do so, please contact me by email or leave a message with my answering service. There is limited space availability and as of this message there are 34 registered for the dinner and walk.
If you have any suggestions, questions or concerns about the club please talk to me on the trail or anytime.
Walking for the health of it!
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Sunday April 24th 2005
Our Walk Leader Phil Irons introduced us to his new route for our Year Round Event in Sydney. Phil, has combined parts of the old route, taken some suggestions from the members, tossed them all into the mix and came up with an almost entirely new walk event.
The highlight of this walk is the use of the entire outer perimeter of the Baille Ard Nature Trail. Phil kept the boardwalk as part of the trail and of course we ended up with a group photo at the "big fiddle" at the Sydney Marina.
There were 28 participants at this event, 6 new members, plus 2 former members who intend to get back to walking on a regular basis and to continue to participate on future walks with the club.
After the Kings Road and pedway at Wentworth Park are completed there will be more improvements to our Sydney (YRE) Year Round Event.
The YRE walk in Glace Bay has had substantial changes over the last two seasons, the new Start Point is The Co Op Gas Bar, 99 Reserve Street, and Robin and Isabel Grant have been exploring the possibilities of changing or improving the YRE in North Sydney as well. The Start Point for North Sydney continues to be The Clansman Motel off Peppett and Baird Streets.
Port Hawkesbury, Glace Bay Walk Events and Club Dinner
our next walk is SATURDAY May, 7th 2005 in Port Hawkesbury, please check the schedule for details.
Why Not Check with other members and car pool, save gas & money; "travelling with friends can be fun".
Then were off to Glace Bay:
Glace Bay Miners Museum Walk Event and Club Dinner
SUNDAY, MAY 22nd at 2:00pm (1400Hrs) REG:1:30pm (1330Hrs)
This will be a new event stamp and not the YRE stamp!
We would like to have as many club members and friends attend a dinner at the Miners Restaurant as possible, this would take place at approx. 5:00pm.
I would like to book the room or tables asap; if you have not done so already, please email or phone me if you will or will not be attending the dinner. at this time I have 20 members signed up, why not join us for a day of Fun and friendship, good conversation etc. and a little exercise.
We will order off the menu, though it has been suggested that the restaurant has at least 2-4 specials on each day at $9.95 each.
This wiil be an informal dinner/MEETING prior to my departure for the CVF convention in Quebec City.
As the club president I need to know if you the members would support bringing the Canadian Volkssport Convention and General Meeting to CBRM (Sydney) in 2008.
During the convention in Quebec City I will be meeting with this years convention organizers and the CVF President Graham Fawcett and our area director Lynda Kanne to discuss the feasability of bringing the General Meeting to Cape Breton in 2008.
There are 300 volkssporters registered for Quebec City as of this past weekend, they will be spending a fair amount of money in Quebec, Why not bring that money and fun to our Island.
Over the next few weeks I want to hear from you the members about this proposal, the executive cannot hold such a meeting or bring it to CAPE BRETON ISLAND without your sole cooperation and approval. There will be a formal vote during our clubs General Meeting in November, however I need to get a general idea now on how the members feel about bringing a General Convention to Cape Breton.
Your approval yes or no will not deter me nor the executive in continuing to promote volkssporting as a healthy experience on our island and we will continue to do our best to provide an island wide walking schedule,(albeit a limited island wide schedule for for 2006 if the price of gas continues to soar) for the foreseeable future.
Our Walk Leader Phil Irons introduced us to his new route for our Year Round Event in Sydney. Phil, has combined parts of the old route, taken some suggestions from the members, tossed them all into the mix and came up with an almost entirely new walk event.
The highlight of this walk is the use of the entire outer perimeter of the Baille Ard Nature Trail. Phil kept the boardwalk as part of the trail and of course we ended up with a group photo at the "big fiddle" at the Sydney Marina.
There were 28 participants at this event, 6 new members, plus 2 former members who intend to get back to walking on a regular basis and to continue to participate on future walks with the club.
After the Kings Road and pedway at Wentworth Park are completed there will be more improvements to our Sydney (YRE) Year Round Event.
The YRE walk in Glace Bay has had substantial changes over the last two seasons, the new Start Point is The Co Op Gas Bar, 99 Reserve Street, and Robin and Isabel Grant have been exploring the possibilities of changing or improving the YRE in North Sydney as well. The Start Point for North Sydney continues to be The Clansman Motel off Peppett and Baird Streets.
Port Hawkesbury, Glace Bay Walk Events and Club Dinner
our next walk is SATURDAY May, 7th 2005 in Port Hawkesbury, please check the schedule for details.
Why Not Check with other members and car pool, save gas & money; "travelling with friends can be fun".
Then were off to Glace Bay:
Glace Bay Miners Museum Walk Event and Club Dinner
SUNDAY, MAY 22nd at 2:00pm (1400Hrs) REG:1:30pm (1330Hrs)
This will be a new event stamp and not the YRE stamp!
We would like to have as many club members and friends attend a dinner at the Miners Restaurant as possible, this would take place at approx. 5:00pm.
I would like to book the room or tables asap; if you have not done so already, please email or phone me if you will or will not be attending the dinner. at this time I have 20 members signed up, why not join us for a day of Fun and friendship, good conversation etc. and a little exercise.
We will order off the menu, though it has been suggested that the restaurant has at least 2-4 specials on each day at $9.95 each.
This wiil be an informal dinner/MEETING prior to my departure for the CVF convention in Quebec City.
As the club president I need to know if you the members would support bringing the Canadian Volkssport Convention and General Meeting to CBRM (Sydney) in 2008.
During the convention in Quebec City I will be meeting with this years convention organizers and the CVF President Graham Fawcett and our area director Lynda Kanne to discuss the feasability of bringing the General Meeting to Cape Breton in 2008.
There are 300 volkssporters registered for Quebec City as of this past weekend, they will be spending a fair amount of money in Quebec, Why not bring that money and fun to our Island.
Over the next few weeks I want to hear from you the members about this proposal, the executive cannot hold such a meeting or bring it to CAPE BRETON ISLAND without your sole cooperation and approval. There will be a formal vote during our clubs General Meeting in November, however I need to get a general idea now on how the members feel about bringing a General Convention to Cape Breton.
Your approval yes or no will not deter me nor the executive in continuing to promote volkssporting as a healthy experience on our island and we will continue to do our best to provide an island wide walking schedule,(albeit a limited island wide schedule for for 2006 if the price of gas continues to soar) for the foreseeable future.
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
Walk Events! Dinner! General Meeting! Convention 2008? Benefite of Volkssports!
Come Join us for our Year Round Event Group Walk in Sydney
Sunday, April 24th
Start Time 2:00pm (1400Hrs)
Registration: 1:30pm (1330Hrs)
The Cambridge Suites on the Esplanade
Walk Leader is Phil Irons, 539-2823
From Rilla McLean, Port Hawkesbury, NS
This is to confirm that The Creamery will be opened at 1:15 on Saturday May 7th for registration for the walk.
At 1:45 one of the staff or a member of the Causeway Anniversary Society will give a 10 minute presentation before we start the walk at 2:00 pm.
Jessica Evans MacDonald is our Event Director for the Causeway 50th Anniversary Society. Any questions about the week of August 7-14 should be directed to her.
(please check CBIH annual schedule for walks and BBQ's)
Sorry that I couldn't join you for the walk yesterday (Sunday, April 10th) in St. Peter's - too much snow and mud on the trail.
On behalf of the Island Hoppers, I would like to Thank Rilla and Jim for their efforts in organizing this upcoming event in Port Hawkesbury.
There will be a short 10 Minute briefing about the Events happening at the Causeway this year, before we start the walk; plus tea, coffee and some sweets will be available upon completion of the walk event.
Glace Bay Miners Museum Walk Event and Club Dinner
SUNDAY, MAY 22nd at 2:00pm (1400Hrs) REG:1:30pm (1330Hrs)
This will be a new event stamp and not the YRE stamp!
We would like to have as many club members and friends attend a dinner at the Miners Restaurant as possible, this would take place at approx. 5:00pm.
I would like to book the room or tables asap; please email or phone me if you will or will not be attending the dinner.
We will order off the menu, though it has been suggested that the restaurant has at least 2-4 specials on each day at $9.95 each.
This wiil be an informal dinner/MEETING prior to my departure for the CVF convention in Quebec City.
As the club president I need to know if you the members would support bringing the Canadian Volkssport Convention and General Meeting to CBRM (Sydney) in 2008.
During the convention in Quebec City I will be meeting with this years convention organizers and the CVF President Graham Fawcett and Lynda Kanne our area director to discuss the feasability of bringing the General Meeting to Cape Breton in 2008.
There are 300 volkssporters registered for Quebec City as of this past weekend, they will be spending a fair amount of money in Quebec, Why not bring that money and fun to our Island.
Over the next few weeks I want to hear from you the members about this proposal, the executive cannot hold such a meeting or bring it to CAPE BRETON ISLAND without your sole cooperation and approval.
Your approval yes or no will not deter me nor the executive in continuing to promote volkssporting as a healthy experience on our island and we will continue to do our best to provide an island wide walking schedule for the foreseeable future.
Rollie Coombes, president
Walking for Fun, Fitness and Friendship
Come Join us for our Year Round Event Group Walk in Sydney
Sunday, April 24th
Start Time 2:00pm (1400Hrs)
Registration: 1:30pm (1330Hrs)
The Cambridge Suites on the Esplanade
Walk Leader is Phil Irons, 539-2823
From Rilla McLean, Port Hawkesbury, NS
This is to confirm that The Creamery will be opened at 1:15 on Saturday May 7th for registration for the walk.
At 1:45 one of the staff or a member of the Causeway Anniversary Society will give a 10 minute presentation before we start the walk at 2:00 pm.
Jessica Evans MacDonald is our Event Director for the Causeway 50th Anniversary Society. Any questions about the week of August 7-14 should be directed to her.
(please check CBIH annual schedule for walks and BBQ's)
Sorry that I couldn't join you for the walk yesterday (Sunday, April 10th) in St. Peter's - too much snow and mud on the trail.
On behalf of the Island Hoppers, I would like to Thank Rilla and Jim for their efforts in organizing this upcoming event in Port Hawkesbury.
There will be a short 10 Minute briefing about the Events happening at the Causeway this year, before we start the walk; plus tea, coffee and some sweets will be available upon completion of the walk event.
Glace Bay Miners Museum Walk Event and Club Dinner
SUNDAY, MAY 22nd at 2:00pm (1400Hrs) REG:1:30pm (1330Hrs)
This will be a new event stamp and not the YRE stamp!
We would like to have as many club members and friends attend a dinner at the Miners Restaurant as possible, this would take place at approx. 5:00pm.
I would like to book the room or tables asap; please email or phone me if you will or will not be attending the dinner.
We will order off the menu, though it has been suggested that the restaurant has at least 2-4 specials on each day at $9.95 each.
This wiil be an informal dinner/MEETING prior to my departure for the CVF convention in Quebec City.
As the club president I need to know if you the members would support bringing the Canadian Volkssport Convention and General Meeting to CBRM (Sydney) in 2008.
During the convention in Quebec City I will be meeting with this years convention organizers and the CVF President Graham Fawcett and Lynda Kanne our area director to discuss the feasability of bringing the General Meeting to Cape Breton in 2008.
There are 300 volkssporters registered for Quebec City as of this past weekend, they will be spending a fair amount of money in Quebec, Why not bring that money and fun to our Island.
Over the next few weeks I want to hear from you the members about this proposal, the executive cannot hold such a meeting or bring it to CAPE BRETON ISLAND without your sole cooperation and approval.
Your approval yes or no will not deter me nor the executive in continuing to promote volkssporting as a healthy experience on our island and we will continue to do our best to provide an island wide walking schedule for the foreseeable future.
Rollie Coombes, president
Walking for Fun, Fitness and Friendship
The Individual-
· Through an increased level of non-competitive physical activity,
ideal for all ages
· Through a greater awareness of the community
· By meeting new friends and sharing a common, enjoyable activity.
The Family-
· By providing an activity in which family members can participate together.
The Community-
· By attracting visitors to the community to participate in volkssport events
· By showcasing their community to volksmarchers from other communities and countries
· By providing a simple,inexpensive and healthy activity for their citizens.
The Individual-
· Through an increased level of non-competitive physical activity,
ideal for all ages
· Through a greater awareness of the community
· By meeting new friends and sharing a common, enjoyable activity.
The Family-
· By providing an activity in which family members can participate together.
The Community-
· By attracting visitors to the community to participate in volkssport events
· By showcasing their community to volksmarchers from other communities and countries
· By providing a simple,inexpensive and healthy activity for their citizens.
Wednesday, April 13, 2005
The Canadian Volkssport Federation Has Confirmed....
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers Volkssport Club will be ten (10) years old in 2007.
The application for membership in the CVF is dated April 10, 1997. The membership application was signed by Wayne Howie, president. The the two signing directors were Philip Irons and Roland Coombes.
At our last general meeting Phil Irons volunteered as the 10th Anniversary Chairperson.
If you have any suggestions for this celebration I am sure Phil will be glad to take them into consideration.
Heel and Toe Newsletter correction
Barb Thistle is the chairperson for our Ways & Means Committee, my sincere apologies to Barb for omitting her name in the column of contacts for CLUB EXECUTIVES.
Barb has been a hard working and concientious member of this club since its conception in 1997. This is Barbs second time to take on this portfolio throughout the lifetime of this club and when not on this committee Barb has organized and helped on many of our picnics/BBQ's and has been a walk leader or sweep at many of our walks.
My sincere Thank You to Barb and again my apology to her for my short sightness.
Rollie Coombes
St. Peters, Battery Park and Rail Trail Walk Event
There were 26 walkers at this Event, 20 regular members and 6 new walkers.
Many members took our suggestion and car pooled to this event, if you want to volunteer to take passengers please contact me before the next walk outside of the CBRM area.
We will be in Sydney on SUNDAY, 24 APRIL, 2005, Walk begins at 2:00pm, registration begins 30 minutes before at 1:30
This will be a Guided Walk of our Year Round Event, beginning at the Cambridge Suites on the Esplanade.
Phil has been working on extensive changes to this event and deserves our thanks for his work in this regard.
Parking should not be much of a problem along the Esplanade on Sunday, however there is a dirt road between the Cambridge Suites parking lot and the Gas Station in that area that is usually capable of holding our vehicles.
Come out and enjoy a walk around Sydney and bring a new walking partner/friend!
tops news
The April May Addition of tops news features a great article on Volksmarching its great
This is a two page article about the walk to "Crazy Horse Memorial near Rapid City in South Dakota and a description of our non-competitive sport.
A worthwhile read especially for the novice walker or those who would like a challenging walk experience.
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers Volkssport Club will be ten (10) years old in 2007.
The application for membership in the CVF is dated April 10, 1997. The membership application was signed by Wayne Howie, president. The the two signing directors were Philip Irons and Roland Coombes.
At our last general meeting Phil Irons volunteered as the 10th Anniversary Chairperson.
If you have any suggestions for this celebration I am sure Phil will be glad to take them into consideration.
Heel and Toe Newsletter correction
Barb Thistle is the chairperson for our Ways & Means Committee, my sincere apologies to Barb for omitting her name in the column of contacts for CLUB EXECUTIVES.
Barb has been a hard working and concientious member of this club since its conception in 1997. This is Barbs second time to take on this portfolio throughout the lifetime of this club and when not on this committee Barb has organized and helped on many of our picnics/BBQ's and has been a walk leader or sweep at many of our walks.
My sincere Thank You to Barb and again my apology to her for my short sightness.
Rollie Coombes
St. Peters, Battery Park and Rail Trail Walk Event
There were 26 walkers at this Event, 20 regular members and 6 new walkers.
Many members took our suggestion and car pooled to this event, if you want to volunteer to take passengers please contact me before the next walk outside of the CBRM area.
We will be in Sydney on SUNDAY, 24 APRIL, 2005, Walk begins at 2:00pm, registration begins 30 minutes before at 1:30
This will be a Guided Walk of our Year Round Event, beginning at the Cambridge Suites on the Esplanade.
Phil has been working on extensive changes to this event and deserves our thanks for his work in this regard.
Parking should not be much of a problem along the Esplanade on Sunday, however there is a dirt road between the Cambridge Suites parking lot and the Gas Station in that area that is usually capable of holding our vehicles.
Come out and enjoy a walk around Sydney and bring a new walking partner/friend!
tops news
The April May Addition of tops news features a great article on Volksmarching its great
This is a two page article about the walk to "Crazy Horse Memorial near Rapid City in South Dakota and a description of our non-competitive sport.
A worthwhile read especially for the novice walker or those who would like a challenging walk experience.
Friday, April 08, 2005
To All CBIH Walk Members,
I continue to send messages out Bcc, however some email groups consider this or recognize it as spam or junk mail, doing my best to get the info out and maintain your privacy at the same time.
The walk at St. Peters Start Time: 2pm, registration begins at 1:30
Sunday, APRIL 10th, 2005
Battery Provincial Park - just before the St Peter's Canal swing bridge; when coming from the CBRM area and of course if coming from the opposite direction you must cross the 'canal bridge' and immediate right to the park!!
Need more details contact Elsie Buck 562-3117.
Walk for fun, fitness and friendship with the Island Hoppers, Cape Breton's only Island wide walking club!
Due to the high cost of gas, it has been suggested that we should be car pooling, this has always been the case, with a lot of our club members; However I feel that it would be prudent of me to suggest this once again.
example: when departing from Glace Bay there will be five club members in my car.
Do you have room for passengers or are you willing to travel with others to help save energy?
If you need the name of a club member in your area please contact me for information and/or are you ready willing and able to take passengers or be a passenger.
A good (suggested only) meeting place to pick up a pax is the Sydney River Mall near Tim Horton's or the Car Pool Lot on George Street near the 125 bypass.
North Sydney/Mines area club members can make arrangements as they see fit or if I may suggest meet at the North Sydney Mall again near the Tim Horton's.
Lets do our part to save energy, make it a habit to car pool, walk or bicycle to work.
Lets make it a habit to car pool to our Island Wide Walking Events as much as possible; take turns sharing the driving as well.
Check with our friends at Velo Cape Breton about bikes and Info:
Sunday April 17, 2005 from 10:00 to Noon.
Atlantic Super Store, Parking Lot, Sydney River
Walk for fun, fitness and friendship with the Island Hoppers, Cape Breton's only Island wide walking club!
A group walk (GW)using our year round event (YRE)
SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, REGISTRATION BEGINS AT: 1:30PM and we step off at 2:00PM
380 Esplanade, Sydney, Cambridge Suites
Phil is working on making some changes to our YRE in Sydney and by all indications this should prove to make this a very interesting walk for our club members and visitors to the Sydney area.
Come out and get your YRE stamp for this walk, this is a good opportunity to walk this event before 30th of June.
On July 01 or thereafter you can walk again on your own or with a friend to get another EVENT STAMP in your EVENT BOOK.
You can do any of our YRE's as many times as you want and stamp your Distance Books accordingly each time you walk the event.
The Event Book can only be stamped twiced each year once with the (+)sign and once without, you can do this for each of our (5)five Year Rounds.
Come! Walk For The Health Of It!
To All CBIH Walk Members,
I continue to send messages out Bcc, however some email groups consider this or recognize it as spam or junk mail, doing my best to get the info out and maintain your privacy at the same time.
The walk at St. Peters Start Time: 2pm, registration begins at 1:30
Sunday, APRIL 10th, 2005
Battery Provincial Park - just before the St Peter's Canal swing bridge; when coming from the CBRM area and of course if coming from the opposite direction you must cross the 'canal bridge' and immediate right to the park!!
Need more details contact Elsie Buck 562-3117.
Walk for fun, fitness and friendship with the Island Hoppers, Cape Breton's only Island wide walking club!
Due to the high cost of gas, it has been suggested that we should be car pooling, this has always been the case, with a lot of our club members; However I feel that it would be prudent of me to suggest this once again.
example: when departing from Glace Bay there will be five club members in my car.
Do you have room for passengers or are you willing to travel with others to help save energy?
If you need the name of a club member in your area please contact me for information and/or are you ready willing and able to take passengers or be a passenger.
A good (suggested only) meeting place to pick up a pax is the Sydney River Mall near Tim Horton's or the Car Pool Lot on George Street near the 125 bypass.
North Sydney/Mines area club members can make arrangements as they see fit or if I may suggest meet at the North Sydney Mall again near the Tim Horton's.
Lets do our part to save energy, make it a habit to car pool, walk or bicycle to work.
Lets make it a habit to car pool to our Island Wide Walking Events as much as possible; take turns sharing the driving as well.
Check with our friends at Velo Cape Breton about bikes and Info:
Sunday April 17, 2005 from 10:00 to Noon.
Atlantic Super Store, Parking Lot, Sydney River
Walk for fun, fitness and friendship with the Island Hoppers, Cape Breton's only Island wide walking club!
A group walk (GW)using our year round event (YRE)
SUNDAY, APRIL 24th, REGISTRATION BEGINS AT: 1:30PM and we step off at 2:00PM
380 Esplanade, Sydney, Cambridge Suites
Phil is working on making some changes to our YRE in Sydney and by all indications this should prove to make this a very interesting walk for our club members and visitors to the Sydney area.
Come out and get your YRE stamp for this walk, this is a good opportunity to walk this event before 30th of June.
On July 01 or thereafter you can walk again on your own or with a friend to get another EVENT STAMP in your EVENT BOOK.
You can do any of our YRE's as many times as you want and stamp your Distance Books accordingly each time you walk the event.
The Event Book can only be stamped twiced each year once with the (+)sign and once without, you can do this for each of our (5)five Year Rounds.
Come! Walk For The Health Of It!
Thursday, March 17, 2005
The following is an excerpt from a message sent out by Walking Adventures International, this is the bus tour group that we have guided through the Uisge Ban Falls Trail in Forks Baddeck throughout the past several years. Walking Adventures International are located in Seattle, WA, USA.
WAI are planning a tour to Quebec City in May of this year for the Canadian Volkssport Federations convention and now they are planning a spontaneous mini-tour to Cape Breton during our Celtic Colours Walks in October of this year as well.
Our Celtic Colours walks were not on their schedule for this year however upon getting the information about our fall walk program and the Celtic Colours International Music Festival their interest has been peaked and they are now in the process of trying to fill at least 20 seats for this occassion.
--- Original Message -----
From: "Walking Adventures"
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 10:15 PM
Subject: Walking Adventures Update
> Greetings from the Northwest!
> The March 2004 issue of National Geographic Travelers magazine ran a
feature article with a Destination Scorecard - a rating of great locations
around the world in terms of management and preservation of the setting. The
Scorecard attempted to answer the question, "How have top destinations
around the world managed environmental problems, cultural erosion, mass
tourism, and other factors that can destroy the 'unspoiled' appeal of a
> Scanning down the Scorecard, the top 10 award were given to:
> * Norwegian fjords
> * Cape Breton Island, Canada
> * South Island, New Zealand
> * Torres del Paine, Chile
> * Tasmania, Australia
> * Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada
> * Scottish Highlands, United Kingdom
> * Kruger National Park, South Africa
> * Kyoto historic district, Japan
> * Quebec City historic center, Canada
> Speaking from personal experience, we would agree with the survey. WAI
currently offers tours to 9 of these 10 destinations. The only place we have
not yet visited is Kruger National Park, and we intend to remedy that with a
2006 Adventure to South Africa. In fact, of the 32 destinations listed in
the category of Top Scores, 23 of these spectacular settings are featured
for travelers on WAI Adventures.
> Sometimes, in the midst of haggling with airlines over disruptive schedule
changes, handling crises caused by hotels double-booking our rooms, or
managing deadlines that seem unrealistic, we unfortunately get distracted
from our mission and our blessings. Seeing an article like this reminds us
of the abiding privilege we have of introducing travelers to the
breathtaking natural wonders of our world, to history-changing stories in
every corner of the planet, and to the myriad mysteries of other cultures.
Excerpt of Message Ends.
With this kind of enthusiasm and promotion, hopefully we can attract more walking groups and individuals to the island, not only in the fall and summer but all year round.
I am looking forward to seeing all our members on the next walk at Baille Ard Trail this Sunday March 20th. Times and Start Point are posted in your schedule and this website.
Hopefully, the next issue of Volkssport Canada should be featuring another article about the Cape Breton Hoppers and our Celtic Colours Walks.
Registration for the dinner(a MUST)can be found in the brochure, please contact me for details or a brochure. Rollie
The following is an excerpt from a message sent out by Walking Adventures International, this is the bus tour group that we have guided through the Uisge Ban Falls Trail in Forks Baddeck throughout the past several years. Walking Adventures International are located in Seattle, WA, USA.
WAI are planning a tour to Quebec City in May of this year for the Canadian Volkssport Federations convention and now they are planning a spontaneous mini-tour to Cape Breton during our Celtic Colours Walks in October of this year as well.
Our Celtic Colours walks were not on their schedule for this year however upon getting the information about our fall walk program and the Celtic Colours International Music Festival their interest has been peaked and they are now in the process of trying to fill at least 20 seats for this occassion.
--- Original Message -----
From: "Walking Adventures"
Sent: Monday, February 28, 2005 10:15 PM
Subject: Walking Adventures Update
> Greetings from the Northwest!
> The March 2004 issue of National Geographic Travelers magazine ran a
feature article with a Destination Scorecard - a rating of great locations
around the world in terms of management and preservation of the setting. The
Scorecard attempted to answer the question, "How have top destinations
around the world managed environmental problems, cultural erosion, mass
tourism, and other factors that can destroy the 'unspoiled' appeal of a
> Scanning down the Scorecard, the top 10 award were given to:
> * Norwegian fjords
> * Cape Breton Island, Canada
> * South Island, New Zealand
> * Torres del Paine, Chile
> * Tasmania, Australia
> * Rocky Mountain Parks, Canada
> * Scottish Highlands, United Kingdom
> * Kruger National Park, South Africa
> * Kyoto historic district, Japan
> * Quebec City historic center, Canada
> Speaking from personal experience, we would agree with the survey. WAI
currently offers tours to 9 of these 10 destinations. The only place we have
not yet visited is Kruger National Park, and we intend to remedy that with a
2006 Adventure to South Africa. In fact, of the 32 destinations listed in
the category of Top Scores, 23 of these spectacular settings are featured
for travelers on WAI Adventures.
> Sometimes, in the midst of haggling with airlines over disruptive schedule
changes, handling crises caused by hotels double-booking our rooms, or
managing deadlines that seem unrealistic, we unfortunately get distracted
from our mission and our blessings. Seeing an article like this reminds us
of the abiding privilege we have of introducing travelers to the
breathtaking natural wonders of our world, to history-changing stories in
every corner of the planet, and to the myriad mysteries of other cultures.
Excerpt of Message Ends.
With this kind of enthusiasm and promotion, hopefully we can attract more walking groups and individuals to the island, not only in the fall and summer but all year round.
I am looking forward to seeing all our members on the next walk at Baille Ard Trail this Sunday March 20th. Times and Start Point are posted in your schedule and this website.
Hopefully, the next issue of Volkssport Canada should be featuring another article about the Cape Breton Hoppers and our Celtic Colours Walks.
Registration for the dinner(a MUST)can be found in the brochure, please contact me for details or a brochure. Rollie
Monday, March 07, 2005
Make a Move:
Get Back to Nature
PLEASE NOTE: Due to weather conditions, a late snow storm, we were forced to CANCEL this WALK EVENT
NEW DATE: Sunday, March 20th, Registration begins at 12:30 and the walk begins at 1:00PM as originally planned.
I apologize for any problems this may have caused to you, I am ordering better weather conditions for the next event! Rollie
This is the motto of the Baille Ard Walking Trail and on Sunday March 13th 2005 at 1300hrs (1:00pm) that's what we will be doing, getting back to nature and having Fun, meeting new and old Friends and continuing our Fitness program of walking.
REGISTRATION begins at 12:30hrs (12:30 noon).
The Start Point will be as per the schedule of Events:
Rear of Sherwood School, 500 Terrace Street, Sydney
This will be a 10KM event rated at 2B
Our new Trails Coordinator has provided us with a trails report and you will note that we will only be doing a portion of the trail due to the conditions.
At this time snow shoes are not required?
However this is an SK+ Event, you may walk, snowshoe or XC-Ski but we recommend walking as we will be leaving the trail that we had done in the fall, it is not suitable at this time for other activities.
From Stan:
Sunday's pre-walk in Sydney's Baille Ard Trail went well. The weather was excellent; with (8) people participating. The trail in the park was narrow (appox. 16") and firm and lasting 30 min. We walked up to Hardwood Hill and down to Oxford St., back to Terrarence St. to Sherwood School. Then entering the trail for another 30 min. doing it in reverse, ending at the parking lot, at the end of Terrace St. Over all walk: close to 2 hours. Participatants were: Carmel Coffin, Lucy Nadine, Diana MacDonald, Joe MacKinnon, Elsie Buck, Shirley Pettigrew, Charlene Wadden, Stan wadden. Double stamps at next week's walk.
All reported to Tim's at George St. for a pit stop and fuel up lasting another 45mins.
Please contact the trails coordinator at the next walk so we can consider it for next years schedule of walking events.
Hope to see you all at the next event and if you need a schedule for a friend or for yourself please contact me at 849 0747
Make a Move:
Get Back to Nature
PLEASE NOTE: Due to weather conditions, a late snow storm, we were forced to CANCEL this WALK EVENT
NEW DATE: Sunday, March 20th, Registration begins at 12:30 and the walk begins at 1:00PM as originally planned.
I apologize for any problems this may have caused to you, I am ordering better weather conditions for the next event! Rollie
This is the motto of the Baille Ard Walking Trail and on Sunday March 13th 2005 at 1300hrs (1:00pm) that's what we will be doing, getting back to nature and having Fun, meeting new and old Friends and continuing our Fitness program of walking.
REGISTRATION begins at 12:30hrs (12:30 noon).
The Start Point will be as per the schedule of Events:
Rear of Sherwood School, 500 Terrace Street, Sydney
This will be a 10KM event rated at 2B
Our new Trails Coordinator has provided us with a trails report and you will note that we will only be doing a portion of the trail due to the conditions.
At this time snow shoes are not required?
However this is an SK+ Event, you may walk, snowshoe or XC-Ski but we recommend walking as we will be leaving the trail that we had done in the fall, it is not suitable at this time for other activities.
From Stan:
Sunday's pre-walk in Sydney's Baille Ard Trail went well. The weather was excellent; with (8) people participating. The trail in the park was narrow (appox. 16") and firm and lasting 30 min. We walked up to Hardwood Hill and down to Oxford St., back to Terrarence St. to Sherwood School. Then entering the trail for another 30 min. doing it in reverse, ending at the parking lot, at the end of Terrace St. Over all walk: close to 2 hours. Participatants were: Carmel Coffin, Lucy Nadine, Diana MacDonald, Joe MacKinnon, Elsie Buck, Shirley Pettigrew, Charlene Wadden, Stan wadden. Double stamps at next week's walk.
All reported to Tim's at George St. for a pit stop and fuel up lasting another 45mins.
Please contact the trails coordinator at the next walk so we can consider it for next years schedule of walking events.
Hope to see you all at the next event and if you need a schedule for a friend or for yourself please contact me at 849 0747
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
Trail Photos
The second walking, snowshoe and cross country ski event known as an SK+ takes place at Kennington Cove, near the security hut on the Kennington Cove Rd., located in the National Historic Site Louisbourg, this is a 10Km event rated at 2C.
The Event starts at(1:00PM), registration begins at (12:30), Sunday, February 20th, 2005
During our last SK+ at Mira PP there were 24 participants, bring along a friend and lets try and get our participation numbers up. There is openings for new member candidates for the club!!
The New Executive get together:
Saturday Feb 12th your new club executive met for the first time since our Annual General Meeting in Nov. of 2004. The meeting was held at Rollie's place in Glace Bay.
The newest members of the Executive Stan Wadden (new trails coordinator) and his assistants Shirley Pettigrew and Charlene Wadden are excited to get started on this seasons walking program and preliminary plans are already in the works for the 2006 walking program.
Stan was not deterred by the list of duties presented to him by the president Rollie Coombes and in fact he was quite willing to take on the challenge of the Trails Master. Draft copies of all committee's and their annual reports are being developed.
No stranger to the Ways and Means Committee, Cal Thistle and Barb are beginning to plan for picnics/BBQ's, possible fund raisers; Cal will be looking into writing out the duties of the Ways and Means Committee Chairperson, these should be of assistance to future committees.
Cal will continue to coordinate the call out/phone tree to remind members of our up coming walks.
The presidents, Secretary and treasurers duties will be outlined in a draft in the near future, again this is to help future (new) committees to assist them in their respective voluntary jobs or positions.
The president and trails coordinator will be going to Halifax for the 2nd Annual Presidents Meeting, Saturday, April 16th 2005 with the Atlantic Area Director Lynda Kanne, this meeting will be hosted by the Chebucto Hiking Club. After taking over as the Atlantic Area Director, Lynda wanted to ensure that all clubs in the area were aware of each others programs and to try and ensure that some cooperation was and is taking place, we agreed at the last meeting to try and not hold major events at the same time with the understanding that volkssporters would like to participate throughout the region in all of the bigger events. Example: the Dartmouth Club holds an annual Marathon and we here on the Island now have our Celtic Colours Walks, hopefully we will not hold these events in the same week or at least not the same weekend.
Prior to the meeting the Chebucto Club will have a Guided Walk "Halifax Explosion", anyone may attend the walk and in fact a lunch or dinner is also being planned. Further details will be made available as the meeting draws near and anyone interested in the walk can contact me for more information.
I would like to invite the Area Director and the presidents to Cape Breton next year, as a member of the club I would like your opinion on this please!
During the Annual Club Meeting it was mentioned that a new volkssport group would be forming in the Ingonish area, sponsored by the Northeast Highlands Chamber of Commerce, originally they had considered becoming affiliated with our club or become a separate identity as an affiliate with the CVF; they have decided to become affiliated with the CVF and I have become their unofficial mentor in the ways of Volkssporting.
This new group will be known as "The Northeast Highlands Hiking Adventures".
They will be focusing on the Northeast Highlands Area (Ingonish,Cape Smokey, North River, Highlands National Park etc) and most of their activities will take place in the fall when the tourist go home, this is who they are trying to attract back to the highlands during that interm period before the ski hill opens.
There will be an annual hiking festival and at this time we will be sharing some walks in the area during the festival and further talks are being planned and in fact they have agreed to promote our "Money Point Walk/Hike Challenge Event".
From Mary-Sue MacKinnon, assistant director:
"This festival will be held in the Northeast Highlands September 16th - 25th, 2005. Our full itinerary is not laid out yet, but generally there will be interpretive hikes (long and short) an overnight hike, community dinners, a ceilidh, bonfire, storytelling, etc. These regular activities will be combined with other activities such as kayaking and whale watching. There will be camping opportunities and all of this will take place in the Highlands with perhaps a few short hikes in the St. Ann's area.
We also hold interpretive snowshoe walks during our Winterfest which is held in St. Ann's and in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Our Winterfest is scheduled for March 11th - 20th, 2005."
Other notes from the Executive Meeting:
During our executive meeting we were unable to come up with a Vice President, therefore if for any reason I am unable to complete my term of office the Club Secretary would call upon the executive to appoint an interm president pending a General Meeting of the members.
During the next few weeks I and the executive will be talking with you the members about a Club Vice President and the possibility of bringing the Canadian Volkssport Federation's Annual General Meeting and Conevntion to Cape Breton in 2008, plus a bus trip around NS in 2006 also plans for our 2007, 10th Aniversary. There will be a club meeting at the end of May for this purpose, a time and date will be published in the near future.
Trail Photos
The second walking, snowshoe and cross country ski event known as an SK+ takes place at Kennington Cove, near the security hut on the Kennington Cove Rd., located in the National Historic Site Louisbourg, this is a 10Km event rated at 2C.
The Event starts at(1:00PM), registration begins at (12:30), Sunday, February 20th, 2005
During our last SK+ at Mira PP there were 24 participants, bring along a friend and lets try and get our participation numbers up. There is openings for new member candidates for the club!!
The New Executive get together:
Saturday Feb 12th your new club executive met for the first time since our Annual General Meeting in Nov. of 2004. The meeting was held at Rollie's place in Glace Bay.
The newest members of the Executive Stan Wadden (new trails coordinator) and his assistants Shirley Pettigrew and Charlene Wadden are excited to get started on this seasons walking program and preliminary plans are already in the works for the 2006 walking program.
Stan was not deterred by the list of duties presented to him by the president Rollie Coombes and in fact he was quite willing to take on the challenge of the Trails Master. Draft copies of all committee's and their annual reports are being developed.
No stranger to the Ways and Means Committee, Cal Thistle and Barb are beginning to plan for picnics/BBQ's, possible fund raisers; Cal will be looking into writing out the duties of the Ways and Means Committee Chairperson, these should be of assistance to future committees.
Cal will continue to coordinate the call out/phone tree to remind members of our up coming walks.
The presidents, Secretary and treasurers duties will be outlined in a draft in the near future, again this is to help future (new) committees to assist them in their respective voluntary jobs or positions.
The president and trails coordinator will be going to Halifax for the 2nd Annual Presidents Meeting, Saturday, April 16th 2005 with the Atlantic Area Director Lynda Kanne, this meeting will be hosted by the Chebucto Hiking Club. After taking over as the Atlantic Area Director, Lynda wanted to ensure that all clubs in the area were aware of each others programs and to try and ensure that some cooperation was and is taking place, we agreed at the last meeting to try and not hold major events at the same time with the understanding that volkssporters would like to participate throughout the region in all of the bigger events. Example: the Dartmouth Club holds an annual Marathon and we here on the Island now have our Celtic Colours Walks, hopefully we will not hold these events in the same week or at least not the same weekend.
Prior to the meeting the Chebucto Club will have a Guided Walk "Halifax Explosion", anyone may attend the walk and in fact a lunch or dinner is also being planned. Further details will be made available as the meeting draws near and anyone interested in the walk can contact me for more information.
I would like to invite the Area Director and the presidents to Cape Breton next year, as a member of the club I would like your opinion on this please!
During the Annual Club Meeting it was mentioned that a new volkssport group would be forming in the Ingonish area, sponsored by the Northeast Highlands Chamber of Commerce, originally they had considered becoming affiliated with our club or become a separate identity as an affiliate with the CVF; they have decided to become affiliated with the CVF and I have become their unofficial mentor in the ways of Volkssporting.
This new group will be known as "The Northeast Highlands Hiking Adventures".
They will be focusing on the Northeast Highlands Area (Ingonish,Cape Smokey, North River, Highlands National Park etc) and most of their activities will take place in the fall when the tourist go home, this is who they are trying to attract back to the highlands during that interm period before the ski hill opens.
There will be an annual hiking festival and at this time we will be sharing some walks in the area during the festival and further talks are being planned and in fact they have agreed to promote our "Money Point Walk/Hike Challenge Event".
From Mary-Sue MacKinnon, assistant director:
"This festival will be held in the Northeast Highlands September 16th - 25th, 2005. Our full itinerary is not laid out yet, but generally there will be interpretive hikes (long and short) an overnight hike, community dinners, a ceilidh, bonfire, storytelling, etc. These regular activities will be combined with other activities such as kayaking and whale watching. There will be camping opportunities and all of this will take place in the Highlands with perhaps a few short hikes in the St. Ann's area.
We also hold interpretive snowshoe walks during our Winterfest which is held in St. Ann's and in the Cape Breton Highlands National Park. Our Winterfest is scheduled for March 11th - 20th, 2005."
Other notes from the Executive Meeting:
During our executive meeting we were unable to come up with a Vice President, therefore if for any reason I am unable to complete my term of office the Club Secretary would call upon the executive to appoint an interm president pending a General Meeting of the members.
During the next few weeks I and the executive will be talking with you the members about a Club Vice President and the possibility of bringing the Canadian Volkssport Federation's Annual General Meeting and Conevntion to Cape Breton in 2008, plus a bus trip around NS in 2006 also plans for our 2007, 10th Aniversary. There will be a club meeting at the end of May for this purpose, a time and date will be published in the near future.
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