Christina and John Saremba (BC) at Corney Brook, CB Highlands National Park |
The Cape Breton Island Hoppers along with other Atlantic Volkssport Club spent an excellent Thanksgiving weekend in Cheticamp and The Cape Breton Highlands National Park.
Attending the event were walkers from Dartmouth Volksmarch Club, Valley Trekkers VC and Central Nova VC.
In addition to the 60+ volkssport members who had registered we were pleased to have Christina and John Saremba from BC join us for all of the walk events and entertainment events as well.
The weekend started with a cloudy windy day but the rain held off until after our walk event.
The first event began in downtown Cheticamp and continued out along the Gypsum Mine Trail (former rail line to the gypsum mine). This was an alternate route as the Salmon Pools Trail had been closed do to a recent flash flood in the area.
Tanya McNutt - Central Nova and Lionel Conrad Dartmouth VC stop for a breather along the Cap-Rouge Trail | | | |
On Saturday morning the group headed out on the Corney Brook Trail that runs parallel along the brook of the same name to a waterfall at the end of the trail.
Barb and Cal Thistle alternated between Walk Leader and Sweep for the Corney Brook Event
In the afternoon we headed out on to the Cap-Rouge Trail. A slightly more challenging event with what seemed like a continuous uphill walk event but with great views or vistas of the Cap - Rouge headlands and the ocean. During the hike the weather took a somewhat downward spiral of cold air along with a brief interlude of hail but the hills helped to warm us up as we proceeded to the look-off at the end of the trail.
Cap Rouge was led by Norm Johnson and Janice Johnson as the Sweep or Ender, ensured that all made it up the hiills and returned safely to the finish point.
On Sunday, participants had the chance to select one of the two walk events that took place at L'Acadien Trail and La Buttreau.
A short 8K event with less strenuous hills became a much more pleasant walk near the ocean for those participants who wanted to relax and enjoy the scenery around the Highlands National Park and have more time to take in some of the Celtic Colours Festival Events.
Cheryl MacKinnon took over and led this walk event.
While 25 other walkers opted for the 10K hike and to take in the views and the trail system up Burnt Mountain along L'Acadien Trail. A slow steady climb along a well used track with all of the bridges in place made this a very worthwhile and pleasant walk event. Walk Leader Rollie, and Lionel Conrod volunteered to be the Sweep
View of Cheticamp from the top L'Acadien Trail/Burnt Mountain |
THE SKYLINE TRAIL - Led by Don Mackenzie and the Walk Sweep Maurena Mackenzie. The most popular trail with grand views, moose and other wildlife and a unique board-walk along the apex of French Mountain and the most popular among our groups has once again inspired the largest turn out for the weekends event with 62 volkssporters stepping off at 9am for a walk event that we will not soon forget.
Walk Leader Don Mackenzie of the CBIH steps out front to get the well enthusiastic group out on to the trail | | |
On the Right Barb Thistle VP for CBIH and Cal Thistle President for CBIH - looking after the Skyline Trail Start Point and ALL of the other SP's for the weekend |
Thank You to all volunteers and particularly to Dianna MacDonald who coordinated the Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday night. Barb and Cal Thistle who arranged entertainment and prizes and a lot of other detailed events that made this a very successful weekend.
Additional pictures will be published as they become available!