MONDAY 21 MAY, 2012
MONDAY 21 MAY, 2012
The Canadian Volkssport Federation continues to celebrates the annual national day/weekend of walking.
This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the CVF and during this time the Annual General Meeting and Convention will be held in Ottawa ON 18-21 May, 2012.
Some of our CBIH members including the club president Elsie Buck and our past president Joe MacKinnon will be at the convention and AGM. Elsie and Joe will be available to represent our club at the general meeting/workshops and promoting Cape Breton as a place to enjoy walking and hiking.
While The presidents away we will continue with our walking program here on the island.
The CBIH will have one walk event this coming weekend on Monday!!!
Our next scheduled guided walk event:
National Walking Weekend -NWW-
For most members collecting Distance and Event awards your stamps will be annotated with NWW for this occasion only.
Location: Albert Bridge, 439 Brickyard Road, Mira Provincial Park
Registration begins: 1:30pm
Start Time: 2:00pm
Walk Leader: Shirley Pettigrew - 737-1006
or for further information you may contact the club at
Walk Distance(s) 5/10k and is Rated as 1B (easy trails, wheel chairs and strollers could be used on most of the trail with some minor adjustments, very little hills, no steps) "its a calk walk in the park!"
At the Start Point, Diane Clark, Pam MacGillivray and Shirley Pettigrew
Diane Clark ready to hit the trail!
Never judge the weather across Cape Breton when looking out from your own windows at home!!
The road trip to Baddeck was not very promising as we headed up Kelly's Mountain where the fog was as thick as "Pea Soup". The wiper blades labored and moaned to keep the rain off the windshield. The small group aboard were very optimistic that we would be okay once we were on the trail to Uisge Ban and we would be sheltered from the rain by the forest.
The sky was cloudy and a mist hung about the valley and hills of Baddeck.
We were on our way at the posted time along the North Branch Baddeck River Trail. Posted signs along the trail informed us that the big bridge near the falls was not safe to cross however our walk leader, Don MacKenzie, kept to his plan to get as close to the falls as possible and make an additional loop within the trails system to ensure we got our 10k/2 hours of walking completed.
In the background is Don MacKenzie and behind him is the bridge across the "North Branch Baddeck River" and the last portion of the trail that would have led us to the "White Falling Waters".
The weather held off from raining on the small band of walkers and we arrived back to the picnic area as dry as we had departed!
North River Loop Trail
From here we could hear the rushing noise of the falls and the river. A fantastic adventure!
National Walking Weekend
Monday 21 May Mira Provincial Park, 439 Brickyard Road.
In 2011 the CBIH was awarded the CVF National Presidents Award for this event, Come on out and lets do it again!
CVF President BenoƮt Pinsonneault who will retire from this position at the next CVF Annual General Meeting. He will then become a Past President and will continue on the CVF board as an adviser.
2011 gathering at Kathi and Phil Rice home.
Phil and Kathi Rice sold their home in Margaree.
Their Message on Facebook read:
"On our way to spending our first summer in Asheville."
"Good-by Cape Breton for now (we will miss you) and hello to NC. It's all good."
"House has a new owner to care for it and I'm retiring for real !! "
Kathi and Phil had been CBIH's first USA members (for about the past 12 years of our 15 years as a club) and we had several after walk events at their lovely home in Margaree.
Thank you Kathi and Phil for the many fond memories and "will ye no come back again" to our fair isle!