Thank You all for coming to the clubs annual meeting and a special Thank You to the new Executive. A special thank you to those who have served on the executive.
We have had a good year and I expect next year to be just as good if not better.
The Island Hoppers schedule of events for next year 2005 have been the result of a lot of work from our outgoing Trails Director Bill Boutilier, I had asked Bill to consider "lighthouses" as a theme for 2005 and as usual Bill has come up with some great walk events. Thank You Bill for all your work.
My Thanks to Shirley Boutilier our former Vice President, Shirley has kept the president on a straight trail and always ready to volunteer for any task that the club required. We hope to see Shirley back on the trail next summer.
The Annual Schedule of Events for 2005 and our Brochure for our 2nd Annual Celtic Colours Walks is available by contacting Rollie:
Several new members have joined us this year and I want to welcome them to our club, I especially want to welcome Phil Rice and Kathi Rice our first international members from the USA and all indications are that they have introduced our club to another US couple who wish to take out a membership with us as well.
All Executive Members and those who volunteered for different committees will meet in the new year, hopefully before the end of January, I am looking into finding a new venue for our meetings. Please get ready to bring new ideas to the table and listen to what the membership want us to do!!
The following are highlights of our Clubs Annual General Meeting; I have been in contact with the area director since this meeting and
we have been considering 2008 as a tenative time for the CBIH to hold the CVF's Annual General Meeting.In 2005 the AGM will be held in Quebec City, 2006 St. Alberts, Alberta and in 2007 it will be held in Victoria BC, originally Victoria wanted to be the host for 2006 but deferred to St. Alberts.
This is a very important decesion for our club to make and it cannot be made without you the club members, I will be attending the AGM in Quebec City, this will be my second CVF meeting and I will be observing as much of the convention as I can, so that I can report back to you and the executive if I believe it is viable for us to hold this event in 2008. This could be a great opportunity for our club and the tourist industry of Cape Breton, The AGM is held in May just before the tourist season here on the island; I am asking for your input on this matter, there are many reasons why we should not but there are many positive reasons why we should, especially for the good of the CBRM and the rest of the ISLAND, if you the membership are ready to work on this project please contact me or keep notes for a special meeting to be held sometime in the New Year after the new Executive have had time to hold their meeting.
Please have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season!
The Annual General Meeting of the CBIH was held on Saturday, at 1:00 pm, at the Sydney River Fire Hall. There were 19 members in attendance. President Roland Coombes welcomed the members and called the meeting to order. The Agenda was accepted as presented.
Minutes of the Annual Meeting of January 25, 2004, were approved as read, on motion of Cal Thistle/Ann Coombes. Motion carried.
Correspondence: A card from Shirley Boutilier was read, thanking members for their phone calls, cards, and messages. Our best wishes go to her.
Treasurer's Report: Elsie Buck reported all Bills are paid and no debts. NOTE:Members only may request a finincial report.
Committee Reports:
- Trails Report was given by Rollie - the YRE walk numbers will not be completed until end of December. The total number of walkers on all walks this year was 641. This is up from last year.
- Ways and Means: Jean MacPherson reported that 15 T-shirts were ordered for the Fundy Trip, there are three left; 10 license plates were purchased, three are left. Book covers at $4.00 each are on hand, and pins at $4.00.
Director of the Atlantic Region, Lynda Kanne: She was unable to attend but sent her thanks to everyone for their support during the past year, and welcomed new executive members. The Blue Book, "Discover Atlantic Canada through Volkssporting" will be available in December. Effective Jan., 2005, the seasonal walks will count for two events if they go over the mid-year point, Jun 30-July 1. You will be able to get an event stamp for January through June and another one for July through December, just as is now for the Year Rounds. A brochure of the Annapolis Valley walks was passed to the Ways & Means Committee. The President has a copy of the book, "Footpaths 2005". Members may order this book from the CVF and/or you may borrow a copy from the president.
Old Business:- Walk Box Holders, Recognition: Bill Boutilier built a stand for our walk-box at the Telegraph House in Baddeck (The Telegraph House use the stand for their printer and our Walk Box) - our thanks are extended to Bill. The sites of the Walk Box/Holders has been put on the Web. A letter will be sent to these sites for working with us since 1997; Phil Irons suggested that a plaque with our logo, or something similar, be presented with thanks to them. Ideas will be welcomed.
- Annual Celtic Colours: 250 copies of our scheduled walks for 2005 (Oct. 7-15), in association with the Celtic Colours, have been sent out. The Liaison person Des Davidge,(Canadian & American) requested a press release, featuring CBIH and Celtic Colours, which was provided by the President.
- Annual Challenge Walks: These were introduced by Bill and Shirley Boutilier last year, and the walk was North River. Next year's challenge is "Money Point" (Cape North Village), on Sept. 11. This walk is not for the novice walker.
New Business:
- Canadian Volkssport Federation (CVF) Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held in Quebec City May 27, 28, 29, 2005. The new website for the CVF is:
Canadian Volkssport Federation
- The Annual Area Directors & Presidents meeting 2005 (Halifax) Saturday, 16 April, to be hosted by The Chebucto Club.
- Event & Distance Books: The President emphasized that it is imperative not to have double stamps in your EVENT BOOK. From Jan. to Jul 01, stamp with the + sign; after July, use the same stamp without the + sign. In Distance Book, you can stamp distance when you do a walk; for frequent walks, stamp in book plus $2; second time is $1.00 (only stamp the distance book).
- Membership: cards & annual fees: Along with collecting annual fees, Elsie will also look after issuing the new membership cards.
Annual Schedule/Program 2005:
- The Causeway Walk Weekend, celebrating the Strait of Canso Causeway's 50th Anniversary, on August 13:
The Causeway
It had been hoped to walk the causeway but the officials cannot (were unable to make a decision at the time of our scheduling with the causeway committee) to close the causeway for l to l 1/2 hours.
It is planned, therefore, for the CBIH to start the walk in a nearby designated area in the morning, be back for lunch and the ceremonies.
On Aug. 14, the Creignish Walk, Clare MacNeil is in charge of hosting the annual BBQ & Pot Luck after the supper. The Ways & Means Committee will work with the MacNeils. The Central Nova walk, starting the same day at 9 am, will be at Pomquet Beach, Antigonish.
Celtic Colours Walk, Luncheon & Dinner: Information brochures were handed out which indicates the walk schedules, and the Lunch & Dinner on Oct. 9, with a registration form, and a deadline date for return - Sept. 19.
Cooperation with DVC, CCIMF: Dartmouth had asked to join us for the Celtic Colours in 2005, for this one time only, as their out-of-town trip; they will do three walks and collect fees for those. It is our policy to welcome other clubs who wish to join us.
Hike The Highlands Program (mid-Sept): the Northeast Chamber of Commerce wants hikers/walkers in the highlands in that time period. Rollie has advised them CIBH could sanction walks there. There is a possibility they may become members of IVV or join our national club. He will negotiate.
- 10th Anniversary celebrations for 2006:
Our 10th Anniversary will take place in 2007 as Our first walk as a club took place 21 April 1997 and as far as I can tell our official DATE OF FOUNDING was on:
17 March 97 CVF/FCV # 087
- Bus Tour Committee (trip to Annapolis Valley/Anniversary): Members who volunteered for this committee are: Phil and Ann Irons, Elsie Buck, Judy Lorway, Carol Butts. They will select their own chairman. Their duties also include plannng walk events and dinner party.
- Committees for Walk, Ways & Means (2005/06):
Volunteers for the Trails Co-ordinator: Stan Wadden
Barb and Cal Thistle for the Ways and Means were acknowledged, with thanks.
Election of Officers:
President: Roland Coombes
Vice President: Vacant
Secretary: Barbara MacDonald
Treasurer: Elsie Buck
Trail Co-ordinator: Stan Wadden
Shirley Pettigrew as the Assistant Trails Director
Ways & Means Committee: Barb & Cal Thistle
The vacancy of the Vice President will be left with the Executive. It was moved by Phil Irons/Judy Lorway that the Executive be given the power to appoint a member/volunteer to fill this position. Motion carried.